Trying to get fancy with formulas - RYG with "AND" conditions
I'm trying to get a formula that will do the following: Give me a RYG result in a column, by looking at whether a project item has gotten close to the due date, compared to what the status is on that item. I want it to give a Red result if it is within a specific number of days of the due date and has less than 25%…
Sight - sharing via email a PDF version
Is there a way to share the sight the same way we are able to share a regular sheet? sending it via email in PDF format at a certain frequency rate (monthly, weekly etc)? Thank you Luiz
Using Forms as a Checklist
Hi I have a list of 96 items which need to be checked off as a QA task. I have the 96 items in the Primary Column and I have 8 further columns, four checkboxes for "Compliant", "Non-compliant", "Unable to Check" and "Not Required", one plain text column for "Comments", one contact list for "Next Action For" a text column…
Share sheet as a copy - Consolidation
Hello everyone, Starting with Smartsheet, I don't find any documentation about distributing a new and unique sheet to collaborators. The idea is : * I build a main spreadsheet, and I want multiple collaborators to fill this sheet individually * I want to keep track of all the status of certain indicators for each…
Exporting History Data
I would like to export history data from an existing project, and tabulate the history data in excel. For example, I would like to see how finish dates have changed over time, for hundreds of rows, over the course of a project that has already finished. Is there a functionality to export a cell's (or selection of cells, or…
Creating Sub-Auto Numbers
Hello, We are currently using a web form for customers to submit a service request. After the form has been submitted a auto-numbering confirmation is generated and the customer is sent a notification with that confirmation number. When we process the request we often need to split the service request into multiple…
Ruler - alignment tool
We are only 6 months into our Smartsheet journey and thus often tinkering and creating new reports, it would be really handy to have a ruler at the top in order to align fields/columns in reports. I have marked where a ruler could sit with highlighter yellow below. Does anyone else recognise the need or have an alternative…
Pie Charts in Sights
Hi, Thank you so much for adding Charts to Sights! It appears as though the pie charts can only handle three data points, is this correct? Or am I possibly doing something wrong? Thank you!
Defining a range using a variable as the row #
Hi, Newbie question here. Let's say we have a simple SUM formula: =SUM([Column1]15:[Column4]15) Is there a way to specify the row # using a variable or some kind of reference to a number value in a cell? For example, rather than "15", something like =SUM([Column1]Row:[Column4]Row) where "Row" could be sourced from the…
Global Find and Replace for All Sheets in a Workspace/Find and Replace Column Name/Type for All Shee
Is there a way to perform a find and replace on all sheets in a workspace without loading each sheet? Is there a way to perform a find and replace for a column name or a column type for all sheets in a workspace?