Checking Done for multiple cells
Hi! I am trying to find a formula to check a box Done when several other cells are checked done. Such as Master Task=done when Task 1, Task 2, Task 3 and Task 4 are checked done. My If Then formula doesn't seem to work. Any thoughts? =IF([Column2]1 = "Done", 1, 0)
Formulas_add random cells to a total
I'm trying to create a formula that adds together random cell totals together in a column.. what should the formula look like?
Return 1st column value if 2nd and 3rd column is blank
Hello, I am trying to come up with a solution for my smartsheet involving 4 columns (4th being the result column). I wanted to return the value from the 1st column whenever 2nd and 3rd column are blank, if not return the value from either 2nd or 3rd column. These columns contains dates by the way. Sent (1st) ; Won (2nd) ;…
Master Sheet with Subprojects Inside
Hi! I am trying to create a Master Project sheet that would include subprojects inside of the same sheet. Basically so I can track the dates and overlapping of tasks in the subprojects. Is this something that Smartsheets can do? I know I can do it in MS Project and just add each subproject as it's own task in a master…
Help with IF formula
Hey Smartsheet Community, I am really not that great with making long formulas, especially with the "IF" formula. Could someone please help me with making a formula for the RYG balls where if the task is less than 50% complete turn red, if the task is between 50%-99% complete, turn yellow and if the task is 100% complete…
Apply Formula to Entire Column
I'm trying to automatically apply a formula to an entire column that concatenates info from cells in a given row into a document name, once data is entered into those cells. The only way I've been able to accomplish this so far is to just copy/ paste or drag the formula as data is entered in a new row, but I'd like it to…
Changes Report
Does anyone know if there is a way to produce a report or a list of rows whereby Column A has changed in the last n number of days? I'm trying to produce an exec level weekly report of key projects whose end dates that have changed in the last week.
New Dashboard Widgets
Hi ... in reviewing some of the youtube videos I noticed some different dashboard charts. How can we add or get access to other chart types than what is available in Smartsheets today? Thanks Jeff
Is there a way to export or print row numbers
Is there a way to export or print row numbers This would be so very helpful. Thank you