Stacked column bar graph
Can you set a Stacked column bar graph to NOT show the total of numbers from columns, but just the largest number? Example: Drawn sqft - 2,283,197 surveyed sqft - 1,948,073 contracted sqft - 15,000,000 Currently the stacked bar graph shows a total for all three at the bottom. Thanks, David
Integrate with Microsoft Planner
Is there any possibility of Smartsheet integrating with Microsoft Planner? Smartsheet is equipment to manage full portfolio where Microsoft Planner seem to only focus on individual projects. I am a seasoned Project Manager and I need to see all projects at a high level view. Several departments within my organization uses…
I Need a Construction Daily Report Template
I am a construction project manager and I am new to Smartsheet and I'm trying to create a Daily Report template. I can search the web for Smartsheet Daily Reports and I find several "templates", which all say "Smartsheet" on them, but they are microsoft excel files. When I try to import them into Smartsheet, they never…
Resource allocation not matching project sheet allocation
A member of my team is allocated resource on a project. The issue is that although they are only allocated to 85% on this project/task, it is showing as 100% in my resource view. I only have view access to the sheet and cant change that but am confused as to why this would be doing this
Setting a sender out of the contact in the smartsheet
Hello, I am trying to use the smartsheet as a intake form to capture various requirements and make smartsheet to open tickets based on the needs to the corporate ticket system. the corporate ticket form is quite complex to navigate. the tickets are created via emails such as invoice@corporate.com etc. However I would like…
Using MAX Formula- How to formulate it to capture infinite rows
Hey Guys! I have a Smartsheet that is connect to Jira. I have added two columns; Created On (with creation date column) and Last Create Date (date column). I am trying to populate a formula that pulls one text box of when the sheet was last updated. When I attempt to enter =MAX([Created On]2:[Created On]???) it wont work.…
Inactivate a Task
Is there any plan to create functionality to inactivate a task? I'm looking for a way to indicate a task is not needed AND remove it from calculations (schedule, predecessors, % complete, etc) yet still keep it visible (with a line through it) in on project plan. We are forced to make all these edits manually, when it…
Countifs Multi-select Contact
Hi Everyone, I have a sheet that contains a list of projects. In the sheet I have a column that is setup as a contact column and allows multiple contacts (Project Managers) and a column for project state (State). In my statistic sheet I list all of my project managers(ITPMO ProjectManager) and I want to look back into the…
COUNTIFS a range with multiple assigned groups
Hello all, I am trying to COUNTIF a range that includes multiple assigned groups in some cells. I would like to count rows that include "Dept 1". There is one row in particular that contains two assigned groups - "Dept 1" and "Dept 2" - that is not being counted This is my formula: =COUNTIF({Sheet Range 4 - Department},…
THANK YOU!!! We can now assign multiple contacts to a column!!!!
Good morning! I just received the email update from Smartsheet Engage 2018 and I. AM. THRILLED!!! We can now choose to allow multiple contacts (up to 20!) to be assigned to a row. See the article here: https://goo.gl/sTwxNZ Blessings, Loann