Snapshot of Smartsheet comparing TODAY to Start and End Dates
I have a grid sheet full of contracts: each row is a contract. Each row has a START DATE and END DATE along with other details about the contract. I was tasked with creating a dashboard to represent this grid sheet over time. I am now creating a reference sheet to pull "snap-shots" of data from the grid sheet. I put in a…
Trouble with COUNTIF CONTAINS Formula
Hi there, I'm trying to build a summary sheet with formulas that COUNTIF cells in a column on another sheet CONTAIN a specific value (this column is multiselect dropdown). I've come up with things like the following, but am still getting errors. COUNTIFS({DCYF Impacts}:{DCYF Impacts}, CONTAINS("ASD - Administrative…
Please add "Select an Existing Sheet Reference" option when creating formulas.
When creating a formula you're given the option to "Reference Another Sheet". I love this feature but it needs improvement because it ONLY gives you the option to create a new reference. Yes, you can click the same range as an existing range and it will auto-populate with the correct range number, but that's only if you…
Pull value from cell to a new cell, and it won't change even if source value changes
I will use the following as an example for my problem: I have a pre-existing sheet ("Team Employees") where different teams record their # of employees once a month. This was used to track live staffing. The request is now to track overtime. My question is this: Is there a way to pull the # OF EMPLOYEES for LOGISTICS from…
Count checked boxes in a column from another sheet
Hi All, I am working on a dashboard that displays various info and tasks in state of completion. I'm wanting to count how may checkboxes in a column to display a chart in my dashbord showing % complete. Based on other posts I felt it was a good idea to create a helper sheet that has the formulas and reference into the main…
Absolute Reference changes if cell is moved
Hi, Looking for help with Absolute references in cell formulas. I need the formula reference to remain the same even if the user moves or copies the cells to a different column. The scenario is Column8 has the formula =SUM([Column 6]@row, [Column 7]@row) If a user moves the Column6 cell to Column9 , the reference in the…
I'm determining how long a person has been parked based on the parking lot zone number and the amount of money paid. I have a separate reference sheet that lays out the zone numbers, location names, and all of the possible amounts someone could have paid in this lot - this is the sheet I'm trying to reference. When I…
Does anything in range A appear in column B?
I am trying to set up a formula that lets me know if any of the Project Tittles in one sheet appear in any comments on a separate sheet. When the function should return "True", I get "#invalid data type" =IF(CONTAINS({Project Tittle Range 1}, [Comments]:[Comments]), "True", "False")
Pivot Table Summaries Getting #REF Error?
I have a few pivot tables set to update weekly, and seem to be refreshing the actual numbers just fine. However, I have some summary functions set up that have totally stopped working, instead giving a #REF Error: I'm a little surprised, as it worked perfectly (with real cell references, not #REFs) when I originally set it…
IFERROR and MATCH Formula not pulling in formation - Prodactive S-Curve
hello, i came across a Video by Prodactive about S-Curves in smartsheet and so far everything has been working exactly as expected with one major exception; the "Actual" baseline. From the video and the downloaded examples, i used the exact same formula and referenced my sheet name versus what he had in his example. But…