Hi, I have two sheets, one is an intake sheet and the other is a metrics sheet. Metrics Sheet Plan has an OR(ISDATE( Formula to raise flag is a date is entered Agents has an IFERROR(INDEX(DISTINCT for…
Dear Smart Team. Suddenly all Cross Sheet Reference has been deleted automatically from Smartsheet which impact all business users. Even in the logs is not showing any activities. How Can i rectify an…
Hello! I'm trying to figure out a formula that will always reference the Parent Row. I need all the cells in the Practice Name column to reference the parent row above it. I'm assuming I can't make th…
I want to pull a whole column of data from Sheet1 into a single cell on sheet2. The name of the column on sheet 1 is "Emails". I can't get a formula to work. cell formula something like ={Sheet1!Email…
I am currently trying to pull information from an intake form directly into a project task sheet based on which boxes the user checks for individual project needs. The form has an automatic number fie…
When managing references in a sheet, the menu that pops up to begin editing/duplicating/deleting cross-sheet references is incredibly hard to work with. The box that pops up does not allow the user to…
Hello, I have hundreds of sheets that represent individual contracts. Every time contract is renewed, the current year is added to the sheet. I use a report to reference all the contracts and bring in…
Hi! Lets say I have a basic formula like this in a "budget" column: =SUM([Week 1]@row:[Week 10]@row) And I also have a cell in a helper column that includes this formula: =WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()) Is there…
Hi there, I have a formula in one sheet, which looks at the task and calculates the dates for each task, excluding holidays and weekends. =IFERROR(WORKDAY([Task Start Date]@row, VLOOKUP([Product Versi…