Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Count checked boxes in a column from another sheet

Hi All,

I am working on a dashboard that displays various info and tasks in state of completion. I'm wanting to count how may checkboxes in a column to display a chart in my dashbord showing % complete. Based on other posts I felt it was a good idea to create a helper sheet that has the formulas and reference into the main sheet. I go into the reference another sheet option to start the formula and selected the entire column "Monday Complete" named the reference and hit ok. the formula created is as follows

=COUNTIF({DCM Weekly Schedule - ACTIVE Monday})

The cell displays the error #Incorrect Argument, did I miss a step somewhere or is this formula incomplete? Another post said if using the formula in the same sheet it would look like this…

=COUNTIFS([Monday Complete]:[Monday Complete],1)

My end result I want to use these results in a pie chart or graph on the dashboard.


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