Return Multipe Cells
Hi Smartsheet community, I have the following columns: [Name] (text/number value) [Team] (drop down value) [Budget Milestone] (checkbox) [Program Milestone] (checkbox) [Project Milestone] (checkbox) Now I am unable to run a report because the what in report builder condition is either all 'OR' or all 'AND', not all tasks…
Bank Statement Checklist and weekly notification of missing statements
Good morning, I am trying to build/find a Bank Statement Checklist that will notifiy me of all missing bank statements. For example, as of today, we should theoretically all bank statements from October 2018 and prior. I would like a monthly email sent out notifying me or somebody of all missing bank statements. I am…
Viewing a Report via a link without the need to be logged into SmartSheet
I have a register which generated various reports by location. I want all staff to be able to just view it without the need to have to register and log in. How would I achieve this? The reports are generated and ready to go. Will I have to do the tedious process of exporting them to pdf then placing them on the intranet as…
Need help getting multiple sheets pulled into a single report in the correct order
I have three "what if" schedules that I'm trying to pull into a single report. They are simply named Scenario 1, Scenario 2, and Scenario 3. No matter what order I select them, the resulting report has #3 in first position, #1 in second, and #2 in last. I did a bulky workaround by adding a Helper Column in each sheet…
Receipt for Work Completed
I want to auto generate a receipt with Zapier or something and send it to the supervisor and client upon work completed. Problem: Our electricians perform tests on all equipment we install. We have many QC forms that we use but using them is very cumbersome. Our techs need to ensure that they print them off before going to…
Horizontal Axis Maximum Range
Does anyone know how to alter the horizontal axis range? I have a chart that is displaying percentages but the horizontal axis maximum percent is set to 120% so pieces of the project are looking as though they are not complete. I tried stretching the chart out and making it smaller, nothing works. In excel you usually have…
Can I reference the workspace in a sheet or report?
I have a report that compiles data from multiple Workspaces. I would like to be able to include the workspace in the report as a column (just like I can include Sheet Name as a column.) Is there at least a formula that I can include in a sheet that returns the name of its workspace? e.g like =WORKSPACE() ..?
Feature Request - Comments and Attachments trigger 'modified' column value
I'm trying to create reports that will show my projects the changes to their workspaces over the past day. I thought a report would do the trick, and I'd just filter by modified within the last day. However, reports don't always catch what you're looking for, like ALL the changes. Report WARNING, the "modified" system…
Last Modify Date based on Comments
I'm looking to see if there is a way to update the "Last Modified Date" system column when someone adds a comment to a row.
Trigger Report Due when month changes from modified date
Hi I have a basic text entry sheet for a dashboard report. Fields are: [Subject], [Details], [Modified], [Due] In the [Due] Column I want to show that the month has changed so I can trigger an update request. How would I go about doing this? Regards Steve