Hi guys, I have a sheet to indicates constellations by date, and I cannot find a formula to get current constellation based on today's date, can anyone help with this? Much appreciate!
I'm looking to add a percentage column in my Smartsheet but every time I do it gives me the opposite information. An example is- I would like it to say 0% since there are only 2 samples and both had i…
=JOIN(COLLECT([column1]:[column1], [column1]:[column1], ISTEXT(@cell), [column2]:[column2], =""), ", "). Right now, I have this function in my sheet summary to concatenate all strings that have text i…
I have a formula that totals the number of sales per project manager broken down by month: =COUNTIF([Date Awarded]:[Date Awarded], IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = 9) I need another formula to Sum those sal…
I want to use a count formula to determine the number of times a SKU occurs in an open text column. Below is the formula for the highlighted cell: =COUNTIF(SKU:SKU, CONTAINS("SKU2", @cell)) The value …
Hi, I'm creating a summary sheet, I have a few sheets with the same columns, and I want to add COUNTIF formulas to the summary sheet, I'd like to know if there's any way that the Reference should be a…
hello my friends, I have a Master summary sheet that get updated via control center every time a new project is created. This master summary takes data from multiple sheets. For some reason, the data …
Is it possible to filter in a row report for a field which is in the sheet summary report? I mean I need to create a row report, but also need to have a visualization based on a single field which I o…