Multi-dashboards, with same names, using single sheet summary
I am attempting to create 2 separate dashboards, for 2 different regions, from a single Smartsheet, using Sheet Summary. I can not seem to figure out how to name the summary fields the same or conversely alter the names once they are in the separate report and/or dashboard. Does anyone know a workaround for this? I would…
How to use a formulas to indicate current constellation in sheet summary
Hi guys, I have a sheet to indicates constellations by date, and I cannot find a formula to get current constellation based on today's date, can anyone help with this? Much appreciate!
Smartsheet percentage
I'm looking to add a percentage column in my Smartsheet but every time I do it gives me the opposite information. An example is- I would like it to say 0% since there are only 2 samples and both had issues.
How can I create a function that separates a string of words separated by commas into rows?
=JOIN(COLLECT([column1]:[column1], [column1]:[column1], ISTEXT(@cell), [column2]:[column2], =""), ", "). Right now, I have this function in my sheet summary to concatenate all strings that have text in column1 and has no text in column2. The output it gives me looks something like "task1, task2, task3, task4, task5, task6,…
Sheet Summary Formula
I have a formula that totals the number of sales per project manager broken down by month: =COUNTIF([Date Awarded]:[Date Awarded], IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = 9) I need another formula to Sum those sales for each month based on the column "Amount Awarded." I feel like this should be a fairly simple formula, but I have not…
Looking to count the number of times a string of specific text occurs in a column
I want to use a count formula to determine the number of times a SKU occurs in an open text column. Below is the formula for the highlighted cell: =COUNTIF(SKU:SKU, CONTAINS("SKU2", @cell)) The value I am looking for is 3 because SKU2 appears 2 times in the 3rd row and once in the 2nd row. Any insights on how to count…
Update Request to Update Sheet Summary Fields
It would be nice to send an automation that requests an update to fields in the sheet summary.
Add Dynamic Reference in Formula
Hi, I'm creating a summary sheet, I have a few sheets with the same columns, and I want to add COUNTIF formulas to the summary sheet, I'd like to know if there's any way that the Reference should be a dynamic option, so if a user chooses on the Reference sheet from a dropdown column: Sheet 1, the formulas knows to use…
Sheet not getting updated properly even if linked properly
hello my friends, I have a Master summary sheet that get updated via control center every time a new project is created. This master summary takes data from multiple sheets. For some reason, the data is not formatted properly, or it is empty or it is written Lorem Ipsum even if the data is rightly linked to the sheet…
Filters in reports
Is it possible to filter in a row report for a field which is in the sheet summary report? I mean I need to create a row report, but also need to have a visualization based on a single field which I only have in the sheet summary report. This way it would clearly be a way to get a filter on a list of sheets to put in my…