Changing a sheet formula to a sheet summary formula
I am working on a donor management tool and am looking to count the number of donors previously identified as "lapsed donors" who are no longer in lapsed status. I have created this formula within a column in SmartSheet. It correctly calculates the status of Lapsed Donor change (+1 for new lapse, 0 for no change, -1 for no…
Sort by Sheet Summary fields in Row Report
Hello, I am curious whether there is a means by which I can use a Sheet Summary field to group and/or sort rows in a Row Report. For example, I want to give a group of sheets a "Priority" field (1, 2, 3, etc.) and then in a Row Report, be able to sort rows by the priority number associated with the sheet where the rows are…
How do I create a summary line in a schedule that shows the earliest start date and last end date?
I'm looking for a way to make the first row of a project schedule show the earliest start date and last end date without having to make all rows under #1 subordinate to row #1. This is just a pet peeve that in order to have one row in a schedule display the earliest start, total duration and last end date, I have to make…
Counting the number of items due in the next six months from today's date
Hi, I am struggling to find a formula that can count the number of items (each row represents a task/project) that are due in the next six months from TODAY (the date of viewing). At the moment the below formula is incorrect ... =COUNTIF([Target Closure Date]:[Target Closure Date], IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), TODAY(MONTH(+6))))…
Drag and Drop or Move Summary Sheet Fields
Is there another way to move fields other than just the move up or down with one increments?
Summary Sheet Symbols and Projection Question
Hi, I am trying to do a few things. First, I would like to pull symbols into the Sheet Summary based on the following criteria: Most Recent Entry for Site A. Pull symbol from the "▲ ▼" column. Second, pull the... Most Recent entry for Site A. Pull symbol from the "Status of Goal" column to sheet summary. Lastly, I would…
Summarize tasks for assigned teammate on an intake tracker
Hi there - I am not understanding how to use this COUNTIFS formula above. I am in the process of creating a SmartSheet dashboard for my team from an intake tracker we have. I would like to use the metrics widgets which require sheet summary formulas. Problem - I am trying to create a sheet summary of how many current tasks…
How to create a Sheet Summary for the last 7 days ?
I am trying to find out how to summarize (count) the number of items that have been completed in the last 7 day? but my formula is reading 0? i think there might be a syntax error =COUNTIFS(Complete:Complete, "0", Created:Created, TODAY(-7))
Specific cell reference in update request text
Hello! My examples are in French, but as SS is the same, you should understand with the visuals. I used a template as a base for my project management office. In this example, we create a folder with the project name, but all the subfolders remain “generic” in order for the links between them to continue working if we make…
SUMIFS within Date Range
Hi, I need help creating a formula to summarize an average using Sheet Summary Columns, I have the following sheet columns: Current Date, Average Rating, I have the following summary columns: From Date, To Date I have the following sheet summary column (locked) for our formula: Total Average Rating I'm trying that the From…