I'm working on a system of sheets to track requisitions within our Talent Acquisition team. I've built out a helper sheet designed to help us track the average requisition priority ranking that each r…
Hello - I have a column named "Monthly Hours" that lists hours (integers). I have another column called "Site of request" that lists the site(s). That column is multi-select. I would like to summarize…
I am trying to replace a formula in a Sheet Summary Field and it doesn't do anything regardless of what I choose. After adding Advanced Criteria [ROW] Is Profile Data doesn't seem to do anything. It a…
Hi all, I was wondering whether you might be able to help. I have a column "Status" and I would like to write a formula for a sheet summary field that counts the number of status' that are anything ot…
Hi All, Need some assistance. Found a great post & this on the subject but was not able to get my formulas to work. Hoping the group can help. I have 1 working the other is not. Background: Form was c…
Hi, How can I count a total of values, in 2 diferent columns that are in 2 deiferent sheets? I need something like this.. =COUNTM({Range 1} AND({Range 2}) Thank you!
I've copied sheets with Sheet Summaries to other sheets. I used to be able to then edit the Sheet Summaries but no longer. My only option now is to delete. Any thoughts?
Hello, I am trying to show the next pending (open) task in Summary, so it will show on my Summary report as well. In the summary report I also want to show the delivery date for that task. Basically i…
Hi, I am trying to use the following SUMIFS formula but I receive a "#INVALID OPERATION" error when trying to create a Sheet Summary Field using the formula. =SUMIFS(Hours:Hours, Status:Status, "Confi…