I'm trying to get the total monthly parking charges for my office. I have a column showing each individual's monthly parking charges, if applicable (enabled or disabled). For the sheet summary, using …
I have two sheets that have a lot of data on them, and I am using a Summary report to find out the % of task done on one of those sheets. How can I then pull the data from both of them into one report…
Hello and thank you in advance for any help you might be able to offer. I'm just getting going in smartsheet. I've built my first sheet with Summary Fields (brief pause while I pat myself on the back)…
I want to graph my summary row of my report; however, when I select the report it does not give me the option to modify what is selected to be included in the graph which is the entire report. This re…
I have a formula that leverages some sheet summary formulas and returns a true/false to support a report filter. When I change data in the sheet the sheet summary formulas sometimes return a #BLOCKED,…
I have been hunting through the threads for a few days, and have not been able to find a clear resource explaining how to set up a metric sheet and then combine into a master metric sheet. I had creat…
Hi All, I have successfully created an @row formula to automatically populate in a cell in my sheet which is super awesome. For this example I am showing the Month Reported but I also used a similar f…
Hi community, I have a lot of formulas in the sheet summary of my sheet. They all start like this "=COUNTIFS(Project1:Project149, NOT(@cell = "Epic Line"), [Row ID]1:[Row ID]149, ISNUMBER(@cell), ....…
I have a sheet set up with a (Multi Select) dropdown, and a complete check box, & would like to get a count of how many projects that are NOT complete & are On Hold. COLUMN: Info Still Needed - is a m…