Using WEEKNUMBER() Formula
I'm trying to use the WEEKNUMBER() formula while calling a cell with a date in the format 07/17/19 and I keep getting an INVALID DATA TYPE error and I cannot figure out why. This is the formula in the cell: =WEEKNUMBER([Install Start Date]1) The [Install Start Date]1 displays 08/08/19 but is gathered from a VLOOKUP into…
Finding Duplicates
Hello, I have several sheets. One every month with at least 2000 rows per month. I import the information from an outside source via Excel. Long story short, there is a high probably ability of getting duplicate information from the outside source. Once imported from Excel into Smartsheet is there a way to fnd & delete…
Using an API with Smartsheet
I am interested in pulling information from the ISBN database into a Smartsheet using their API Does anyone know of a good resource to use to set this up in Smartsheet? Thanks
Using formulas to copy, or transfer data between cells.
Hello community! I am looking for a seemingly easy solution which I can't find. While the workflow automation helps in many ways, the "actions" available seem to be greatly lacking. For example in google sheets + scripts + triggers, I can have a cell update based on a formula from a time driven event (whether external or…
Getting Value of Last Row
Hi, I have a smartsheet to track staff working hours and how much time they are up/down based on their contracted hours. I want to be able to get the data in the Minutes Credit/Debit column for the last row (circled in red). The sheet will be added to using a form. I want to be able to pull the number out to put on a…
Individual formula editing changes the whole column
Not sure if this is supposed to happen, but since i was not expecting it at all, i found it extremely frustrating. So i have a spreadsheet that is using several index/match formulas on different columns to pull information from other spreadsheets. But today, one of the Admins on another spreadsheet made me aware that he…
Column labels?
Hello all! I am brand new and have no idea what I'm doing yet. lol! I was wondering, is there a setting that will label colums like in Excel (A,B,C etc). I can't tell if a column is hidden just by looking at it. Thanks in advance for your help! Jennie
Calculating Time
Hi, I know Smartsheet is "working" on time stamps, but I need a little help. I am trying to calculate 2 different time scenarios. First is from the time a work order is opened to the time its is dispatched. Second is the time from the open date to completed date. You will see on my sheet, the "open to dispatch" time in…
Find a Match withing a Join?
How can I use MATCH to find if an instance occurs within a group of values joined with JOIN? For example, if I join the values in three columns (Red Yellow Blue), no commas just a space, and I want to MATCH the value in a cell (say, "Red"), how can I see if the joined values (Red Yellow Blue) contains Red? Right now, the…
Can smartsheet auto-populate cells based on the above cells in a column like excel does?
Can smartsheet auto-populate cells based on the above cells in a column like excel do? When completing text cells the system doesn't indicate that text word is already above? This is useful not to duplicate like currently, excel can do it by default. Any idea if this is possible or can be enabled would be appreciated.