Automated export and Automatic upload
Each time a row is added (which is requiring an approval) i need the sheet to export the new data, to either an excel spreadsheet or google doc and upload to a secure site. The other option would be to do this based on frequency like nightly, but I guess the real question for me, and yes I am both new and green here, can…
Multiple Installation Dates to show on Calendar
Hi, I'm trying to schedule 2 dates form the same line into a calendar. For example. Each time we sell a job, the job has a Part A installation, and a Part B installation. With this the line would have Part A Date, Duration and a installer. Same with Part B. The Installer is conditional formatted as a colour to show up in…
Scheduled export of sheets
Hi there. I'd love to see a feature implemented whereby a scheduled export of sheets could be set up. I'm thinking in particular about project plans but this could apply to any sheets. We have a team subscription but we don't need to set weekly backups of entire workspaces, but I would love to be able to set certain sheets…
Read receipt
Good Morning, Is there a way that if I @someone on my smartsheet and it sends them an email that I can be notified when they click the link and look at the smartsheet?
I'm trying to decide between Smartsheet and Excel for forecasting about 300 accounts over the course of a year with monthly analysis of forecast vs actuals. I'm doing some prototyping and pros and cons for both systems but haven't yet decided what to do. Has anyone used Smartsheet for forecasting? Have you liked it? Have…
using netdays to detemine number days from quote day to closed
I am using the following formula (gained from a previous community entry, thanks guys) =IFERROR(NETDAYS([Construction quote date]@row, TODAY()), 0) it is calculating the number days between a quote date column and today's date. however I want to fix the number of days when the actual close date is entered into a cell…
Dynamic drop down list
Is it possible to link a drop down list to a query from another sheet column. For example It would be great to be able to have users select items from a list of the top ten sold items. This list would update as sale demand changes. or being able to only select items of a certain type based off another column.
Automation, Reports and Projects
Hello, I'm trying to find a way to automate my Reports. I want to create a Report that uses an entire folder under Data. So that when I add a new sheet to that Folder the Report automatically updates and I don't have to modify the Report after every new sheet. Another automation I would like to do is create a site…
Determine entries in a dropdown from a formula
Does anyone know if it is possible to select each item in a dropdown where you might have one or more entries, and separate each one in a formula to calculate hours * rate? Or a work around if possible. My current formula works fine for one entry as follows with the [Assigned To] column: =SUMIFS({KCPL Hours _#OF HOURS},…
Question: Can you identify the worksheet behind a form?
The subject really says it all. I know I can go into a worksheet and identify the forms created for it, but can I do the reverse or do I simply have to check every worksheet until I find it?