Sorting date via the Grouped-by parameter
In the Report associated with our Dashboard, Smartsheet doesn't seem to allow us to sort by the 'Request Status' columns (which is a Drop-Down menu on the Form and Sheet). Is there a Work-Around? We want these displayed in a particular order based on which step the order is in, based on the Request Status. Thanks for any…
Auto Sort sheet using API - Python
I have a code that should work to auto-sort my sheet, but I keep getting the message below. Others have used this script with no problem. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Error sorting sheet. Status code: 405 "errorCode" : 1122, "message" : "Requested URL does not support this method: PUT", Here is the script I…
Resource Management: Enable row sorting by the clicking on a column header
In Smartsheet Resource Management the Analytics reports come out sorted by the first column, but it would be helpful to be able to sort by any column in the report by clicking on the column header. Presently, the only way to do that is to export to a CSV file, import into Excel, Google Sheets, Smartsheet, etc. and then…
IS there a way to sort/filter rows from Newest to Oldest?
Hello everyone, I am trying to create a filter where it puts the rows from Newest to Oldest. For some context, we use this Smartsheet log to capture customer requests and this log has requests from 2022 (being at the top) until now (we're in 2024, being at the bottom). We're always having to scroll all the way down to the…
Chart Widget - Reverse X Axis Data
We read left to right in the US and therefore in the US data on a chart is most easily understood left to right. I am after ability to chart ascending dates while maintaining dynamic chart growth from new form submissions. However, Smartsheet data collection by form is best collected, reported, displayed, used in formulas,…
Grouping without sorting by that grouping?
I have a row report that I need grouped by one column and sorted by a different column. The grouped column is sorted as text and is showing 1, 10, 11, 12...2, 20,21... The column that I want to sort on is sorted as a number which is correct. Any ideas on how to break what SmartSheets has built in?
Dropdown sorting on forms
I found several forum posts where users are asking if dropdown lists can be sorted alphabetically rather than the way the data is listed during design time. I'm having the complete opposite issue. My dropdown lists are being sorted alphabetically although I want them to be populated in the order that the data was added…
Am I correct that there's no way to sort dashboards on mobile? I need things sorted by "end date" so I can quickly see what is coming due out of glance on my phone. If not a feature, that is very unfortunate since I was willing to pay for this product. If this feature is available I will buy this product - can someone…
Sort based on last name
I know this is a SIMPLE question, but I couldn't figure out how to do that. I have a column that consists of contacts, but I want to sort it based on the last name, not their first name. How would I do that?
Report Sorting on Non-Included Columns
Right now, on reports, you can add a column, sort by it, and then remove the column and the sort remains (at least when I test it, it does). However the Sort menu shows blanks. This can also be a tedious process - adding columns just so you can sort by them and then remove them. The Filter function on a report works on ALL…