How to only Sum values for unique requests with a specific request type
Hello, I have created a sheet to calculate some data points based off of an archive of requests that get pulled from an Automation when Estimated Completion Date and Actual Completion Date are changed, and I am trying to setup a columns to display the Average Days to Completion for each request type to help with estimates…
Formula to compare 2 cells and generate the difference on a 3rd cell
Hello all, I am working on a trainings tracker for our project team, and I am a bit stuck. I need to generate a formula that will compare the trainings that are listed in the Required and Completed column cells, and generate the difference on the Outstanding column. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Require a number format
Is there a way to force input in a form to be in a specific number format? For example, require that a customer number be 10 digits, or an account number be XXXXXX-XXX?
Roll up based on selection from one column and count of answers across mulitple columns
I created a form to get feedback from 6 different business units regarding 48 different applications. The participants select their business unit name from a single select dropdown. They then rank each application as “Not Used By Myself or My Team”, “I'm Not Sure”, “Not Important”, “A Little Important”, “Somewhat…
Booking System in Smartsheets Forms
Hello everyone, I'm a relatively new user to Smartsheets and this is my first post. I have a question please about Smartsheets forms. I work as a videographer and I'm trying to write a form that allows people to hire out equipment (say for the sake of argument we only have one equipment type at the moment at that is…
Copy Row automation brings original sheet 'Created date' instead of showing date it was moved
Please help, I have a helper sheet that I am using to capture time stamps of when a row goes to different statuses (ex: capture time stamp when request status changes from: In Review, Pending Response, and Completed). To do that I set up a copy row automation that triggers when those statuses change. Then it copies the row…
I'm trying the CONTAINS and HAS formula and neither seem to work
I'm trying to count the number of times a word appears within a column range on another sheet; however, the cells I'm referencing have a dropdown so there may be more than 1 value per cell. I may be entering the formula wrong or not entering the right formula.
Conditional formatting
Hello, How can I write the formula to show that if the date in column A goes past todays date, hightlight the cell in red? Is that possible?
New user here... Need formula on how to count how many entries in a column are in a specific month
Hey there, I have wracked my brain for hours trying to find a formula that will allow me to count how many cells contain the month Jan, Feb, etc. So far I have tried the following.. Please let me know how I should adjust: =COUNTIFS({[ Range 1]}, @cell >= DATE(2024, 1, 1), {Certificate of Destruction Range 1}), @cell…
Formula help for previous month
I have a helper column for a report that I want to check the box if the DATE cell is in the previous month. Any help is appreciated!!