I have a consultant who bills at the hourly rate down to the Hour:Min:Seconds time used. They provide us with Time in this format 1:13:51. How do I take that time and multiply it by the rate to give c…
We have Smartsheet & Resource Management implemented enterprise wide. While the work estimated from the integrated Smartsheet sheets is prefilling the time & expense timesheet in Resource Management, …
Hopefully this post will help someone looking for a solution for dealing with time in Smartsheet outside of Resource Management. (Bolded the summary for quick access) I've recently run into an issue w…
We have received the request from the engineers to add the week number to the date on the time tracking sheet. This is convenient as the overall time tracking report also shows resources by week numbe…
Hi there. In part of my duties, I run a report that shows activities entered on a form from yesterday. We do achieve "yesterday" by using the following formula: =IF(DATEONLY(Created@row) = DATEONLY(TO…
Hello, I am trying to set up a time tracking sheet to track how our factory staff spend their time. I have "Start Time" and "End Time" fields in 24 hour format. I am trying to calculate the time spent…
I'm creating a higher level report that summarizes data from a Smartsheet. This Smartsheet contains the number of hours staff are assigned to in one column. I have an allotted number of total hours th…
In RM you could require category when entering time. However, these are created in RM and have nothing to do with rows in Smartsheet. This should be synced to Smartsheet by virtue of some additional f…