Assigned to filter error?
Hi all, I have a sheet where we collect some suggestions, which are manually assigned to X person. I wanted to add a filter where users can see all suggestions which are not Complete and are Assigned to Current user, but also BLANK. But the BLANK does not function, at all. Even when I leave out any other rules in the…
Linking forms in a dashboard.
Hi, Currently when one wishes to link a form in a dashboard (not display a form, i mean hyperlink! but guess it would apply to forms in a dash too) You would need to get the url first of the sheet where the form derives from. Instead, it would be handy that when adding a hotlink, it would pop-up when 'Smartsheet item' is…
BUG widening Dashboards
Just a FIY, When you have a dashboard with metric widgets, and you choose to widen the layout (which is permanent!) the fontsize is reduced to 10. I now have 40 metrics that I have to change back to size 12, manually each…. Not really cool! New… Old (yes, I know theyre different) Just using my NON-widened Dash from a…
Notifications when added
Hi, I have this automation: The weird thing is, the Subject of the email we get is: Changes to SHEETNAME: + PRIMARY COLUMN entry. But, it's not a change, but a new entry. I know I can create a custom message, but it just seems weird to me that the standard message is like this. Is it incorrect? Do I have a setting…
Index Collect criteria with MAX latest date
Hi, I've been hitting myself over the head for not 'getting' it, I think i'm doing the correct thing, but obviously since I'm reaching out, I am NOT ;) If you would be so kind, please enlighten me on my error. In a sheet summary I'm trying to do the following: =INDEX(COLLECT(ReportSummary:ReportSummary;…
Regio date settings in Attachments
Hi, Just noticed that the screen where attachments are found, the date stamp is in jibberish USB -sorry I mean USA- style ;) Anyway to fix this? My region settings are set for sane people. So I would guess that should be in order, except it's not :/
Inform team on general sheet
Hi, Is there a way, now on a row but sheet level to inform the team whom the sheet has been shared with about modifications done to said sheet. E.g.; I have added locations to a locations column and would like to inform all sheet collaborators on it. Additionally I would like to ask some if moving forward to make a form on…
Amount vs % toggle button in published dash
Hello all, The title basicly says it all. Would love to be able to toggle between amounts and percentages in a published dash, just as in the edit-mode of a dash (last screenshot). Didn't actually know it was there -toggle between amount and % that is- made the formula in sheetsummary manually for every category, turns out…
Restricted edit comment access
Hi all, I have a thing I'm working on and I can't seem te get my head around it, but my gut says it is possible. I'll try to summarize as briefly as I can. I have made a sheet with FORM attached where manufacturing staff can send in quality defects, engineering design flaws, test-fails, etc.etc. The FORM has LOGIC…
Standard folder location when adding source data
Hi, Another 2 cents from me; When for example adding a Dashboard in a Folder I am working in, and after that adding a Widget in that said Dash (like a Chart); When clicking Add Data the standardfolder is top domain. It would be nice that the folder is actually the one I am working in in stead of having to open the folder…