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Questions about our ENGAGE 2021 Special Edition!? Drop them in the comments!
Join us online on Tuesday, June 8th from 9-10:30 a.m. PDT for a special virtual edition of ENGAGE!
You’re invited to ENGAGE ALL IN, a special virtual edition of our customer conference, where we’ll help business leaders like you unleash the potential of your workforce so you can deliver on the demands of today’s world.
This year, we’re holding two virtual events: register for the June 8th event here, and save the date for our Fall ENGAGE event on October 19th. More details coming soon.
Questions about our upcoming event? Post them in the comments below! We have so much to share with you and can't wait to connect with you all in June!
Re: Include Column Description in Update Request Form or Form to Update Existing Rows
These are both tremendous ideas and I would like to see both implemented.
+1 for the option to include column descriptions update requests.
+1 for a new type of form that can update an existing row; i.e. the option to have a fixed URL linking to a form that updates an existing row, rather than having to send update requests to do this.
Re: The new Smartsheet experience
Please make the column headers resizeable vertically....the enhancement takes up 1/3 of the working space on the screen, I can barely see what I'm working on now.
It looks like the height adjusts to the char length of the column title and how narrow you've made the column, so when you have several narrow columns (like, for checkboxes) with any kind of heading title, it makes the vertical space huge and there's no way to adjust without shortening the column title or widening the columns. What was wrong with hovering over the column heading if it exceeded available space like before?
Re: The new Smartsheet experience
Hi all agree with all comments - you can reduce the annoying wide menu bar - far right look for the arrow up icon just below share button this grabs a bit of space back - but you then cannot see the name of your own sheet as that disappears too!! it does make you wonder if SS developers are actually SS users! like Jeff i am all in favour of improvements but not at the expense of usability - talk to users SS developers and not just the big Multi national users - we have zero support in the UK our local guy not interested and does not respond unless you are wanting to sign up for a training package of course!
Re: The new Smartsheet experience
@Sean Stran - you've analyzed the issues perfectly.
Here is a screenshot showing how much workspace is lost with the new design. New is on the left; old is on the right. At least two rows of content are lost with the new, inflexible design. In the old one, adjusting column widths would have solved some of the problem. Not so, now.
In both of these versions, the header rows could be reduced to give us more working space. Content is king. The UI is an assistant.
Re: The new Smartsheet experience
I too agree with everyone on this post. Why was this done? The headers on my sheets are 1 inch tall and I cannot make them smaller. There is so much wasted space at the top of the screen now that I cannot see all of my line items below. I never had to scroll down and now I do. A screenshot of just how big the headers are for me is below:
Why can't this be tested widely before launching into production.
Once again, Smartsheet, you failed us.
-Upset User
Re: The new Smartsheet experience
Hello all,
I wanted to let you know that we launched a small update yesterday that reduced the height of column headers by 6 pixels. This is the first of many changes to come that help you maximize the use of the grid.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to roll out adjustments. We appreciate your feedback.
Re: Automatic sorting
Smartsheet people:
I want the auto sort functionality as well. I don't want extra reports and workarounds, I want my main sheet to keep itself sorted on several levels according to criteria I can set.
Don't tell me that your product can't do this: that only means it is an inferior and weak tool that doesn't work well for me.
Make this a MAJOR priority for the team programming new capabilities and features and MAKE it happen.
Re: The new Smartsheet experience
"The release of the new Smartsheet experience was only made possible thanks to your overwhelming feedback and the support of our amazing Early Adopter Program members. Thank you all for your help!"
Don't try to place the blame for this hot mess on others.
Re: The new Smartsheet experience
Hello All. David Pessis here, Smartsheet’s VP of Product Management. First, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to share their feedback on our most recent release. Smartsheet takes customer feedback very seriously and we rely heavily on that feedback when making updates and changes to our product.
I am happy to share that we will be releasing an update imminently that will address the excess vertical space within the column headers. While this did not make it in the initial release, we understand how important it is to give our customers as much space as possible within grid view, and have always planned to keep the column headers to a reasonable height.
In addition to the update to the column headers, we are working diligently to give you options to maximize the space used by data in the grid. Our goal is to have these updates to you as quickly as possible, and rest assured this is our top priority.
Please continue to submit to our enhancement request form with the knowledge that we do see and read every piece of feedback that is submitted. Please be on the look out for a response from Brendan with your private message inbox in Community. Additionally, we will continue to monitor and capture all feedback we are seeing from our Community members.
Thank you for being Smartsheet customers, and we appreciate your feedback.