Hello Smartsheet Community! We're conducting a usability study for formula enhancements in Smartsheet and we'd love your participation! Head over to Daniel Stein's discussion and use the Sign Up Link to get started.
Our new release focuses on Card View improvements with lanes by assigned user, Contact List column improvements that make your important contacts easier to select, as well as number formatting and international currency improvements. Note that the referenced Help Center article updates will be available on February 12th,…
Around here, our team sees all kinds of questions come in about Smartsheet, but one of the most frequently asked questions we get regarding Community itself is: How do I update my Community profile email? This could be because: You got a new job or you’ve had a life change You’d like Community notifications to go to a…
Hello Community, We’ve published the following new content: Using helper columns in Smartsheet Control Center: Troubleshooting FAQ To view the entire catalog of help articles, visit the Help and Learning Center. Were the articles helpful? Let us know by providing feedback at the end of each article.
Hello Community, We are happy that so many of you tried Smartsheet AI tools during the promo time, and had great things to say about them. Learn how other customers benefited from our AI tools here, and get inspired by their stories! Loved Smartsheet AI tools, and what to continue unlocking possibilities with them? You can…