SCC Projects - Circular Reference Error
Is anyone else experiencing random #CIRCULAR REFERENCE errors in their projects created by Control Center? I've triple checked and confirmed that the formulas do not include a circular reference and can typically correct the error by updating a cell in the metadata. Curious if this is a known issue or if anyone else is…
How do I share a Dynamic View
I must be missing something very obvious. I've created a Dynamic View of a schedule that is filtered based on a column that contains contacts. I assigned a contact, that didn't automatically alert the person assigned. In the sharing tab of DV I added their email. That didn't alert them. I read in several places in the…
Updating rows with Zapier
Hello, I have to two identical sheets and would like to have the (child sheet) or sheetB we'll call it for the purpose of the exercise, update whenever changes are made to the parent sheet or sheetA. Currently, I am executing this task manually by going to sheetB and linking the rows back to sheetA. What I would like to do…
Dependency with Teamworks
Hello! I'm new to Smartsheet and trying my best to learn so please be patient with me. We are a small company and are starting to properly organize our team using Smartsheet and TeamWork but we're running into a wall. My boss found out that if you link TeamWork together they both share co-dependence meaning that if you…
Data Shuttle
Hello Community, I have created a data Shuttle upload workflow via One Drive. I ran the flow and it uploaded the data from the source file to the target sheet in smartsheet. Then, I added a new row in the source file and wanted to see if the target sheet will get updated. After I ran the flow again, the new row wasn't…
Automation stopped working
Hello Everyone, I had an automation working where a partner of ours would add a date to a sheet that would trigger an email to two different cells with email addresses. This worked fine two weeks ago and today our partner udpated the cells and no email was sent. I (as owner) then went and updated the cells and the emails…
Dynamic View File Attachment Limit
What is the file size limit for adding attachments via Dynamic view. (As a licensed user) My every other interaction I'm limited to 250mb. I've embedded dynamic view into a dashboard, whenever I attempt to attach a file over 30mb it wont let me.
How to append sheets/consolidate multiple sheets in one sheet
Hi All, here are two different sheets populated from two different forms which are site specific The forms have information for people to read which are site specific hence why two forms Is there a way to append these two sheets into one like you can do on power bi using the append query function? please can you advise
How to Add New Metadata From Template
I have 2 new fields coming from my Project Plan -> Metadata -> Roll-Up, and I need too apply it to all existing projects. I see where I can add/modify existing columns, but I need to add new rows to all of my metadata files with cell links back to my project plan. I already went through my blueprint to include these new…
Sheet updated via DataMesh - workflow doesn't run
Good Afternoon! I have a sheet on which a field is updated via DataMesh. I also have a workflow that is triggered when a cell changes. The DataMesh piece works fine but the workflow is never triggered. Do sheet updates via DataMesh not constitute "changes" on the sheet so workflows aren't triggered? It's a simple workflow…