Assigning numeric values to drop down menu options
I want to assign a unique numeric value to each of the options in a drop down menu column, and have that numeric value display in an adjacent cell. Drop down menu options in each cell are: Needs Contributor Contributor Reviewing Ready for Production If 'Needs Contributor,' is chosen, then adjacent cell is populated '1' If…
Using If/Then Formula
I'm new to Smartsheet and have a drop down menu that needs to tie to another column/field I am trying to create a if/then formula but obviously I'm doing something wrong as I keep getting an #UNPARSEABLE error. I'm trying to say "if Industry Examinations equals Series 24, then add the description, and if not, then leave…
Multiple IF Statements -- Status Updates
Hello, I am trying to put together a sheet that reflects as a holistic "Status Update" depending on whether or not something has been "Approved", is "Pending", or has been "Denied". I attached a photo that shows what I am trying to get my sheet to reflect and what is happening with returned values. Here are the examples of…
Formula value
Hi, I have a job file that uses several VLOOKUP formulas to extract customer information, order and delivery date. When the task is finished I would like the information retrieved wirt the formulas to be embed in the task document so the task file can stop looking for the information. I currently use the Paste special but…
How do I populate a Contact List column using VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH
Is there a way to populate a Contacts column on a sheet using VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH and have the actual contacts from the original sheet populate into the new sheet as opposed to just the names? A bit more detail: The original contact column and the contact column on the new sheet are both Contact List type. Using either…
COUNTIF based on a category
Hi I have a sheet which looks at another sheet and counts the number of instances of a string appear in that column based on a string in the current sheet and that works. I now want the sheet to look at the other sheet, carry out the COUNTIF, but also bring across the category entry from another column, so that i can use…
Formula with OR Statement
Good evening: I am trying to add an OR to the formula below: =COUNTIFS(Priority:Priority, ="P1", Status:Status, ="Potential") Potential or Active Thanks for your help in advance!
Formula for summarized health indicators for discrete categories
Hello, Perhaps this has been answered elsewhere - in which case I appreciate being redirected. I am trying to determine if it is possible to create formulae that summarizes a health indicator symbol (Red, Yellow, Green) across multiple rows in a sheet, when further categorized by a variable in another column. So, in other…
Centrally Manage Drop Down Lists for Multiple Sheets
I work with a small Real Estate company and we lean heavily on Smartsheet for all of our task and workflow management. We have built a system of task lists, workflows, and meeting agendas that all work very well, but at the moment we have to edit drop-down lists manually sheet-by-sheet. I've searched the community for ways…
If and if/and statement
I'm trying to do an if statement for if a cell is blank to leave it blank and if not to perform an if/and statement. I did it in Excel but when I imported the file into Smartsheet it wasn’t working. So I’m trying to write it in Smartsheet. I did get it to work at one point but the acceptable and review responses were…