How can I count dates within 90 days?

I want to count how many people are within 90 days of their expiration date if the data is combined across columns from "Exp Date: Pacer" to column "New Exp Date: Walkie/Tugger"? The original formula I tried is the following:

=COUNTIFS([Exp Date: Pacer]@row:[New Exp Date: Walkie/Tugger]@row, ">" & TODAY(), [Exp Date: Pacer]@row:[New Exp Date: Walkie/Tugger]@row, "<=" & TODAY() + 90)

I keep receiving an error message. All columns are adjacent to each other, and all are formatted as date columns, though 4 of them within the range have column formulas linked to another column, but all values in the column are dates.

Is there a way to get this data?

Best Answer

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    If I understand correctly, you are very close. Give this a try:

    =COUNTIFS([Exp Date: Pacer]@row:[New Exp Date: Walkie/Tugger]@row, > TODAY(), [Exp Date: Pacer]@row:[New Exp Date: Walkie/Tugger]@row, <= TODAY(90))


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