Trending in Formulas and Functions
Record a date automation isn't working
I set up the automation below, and it's not working. When I change the status of a row to complete, nothing happens. If I go into the automation manager and select "run" or "test" the completion date column fills in with today's date. What am I doing wrong? This should be straight-forward. I've tried building this…
Identifying oldest entry on sheet, for different groups
Hello! I am working on a "waitlist" process, where the sheet will have multiple candidates under each work location. I need a formula to identify the oldest entry for each location, and if there are multiple entries for the earliest date, use a "score" column identify the higher score as the next candidate in line. Example…
Week Over Week Change
I have a sheet that has orders entries from the last 6 months. This sheet continues to populate as more orders are made. This is just my repository sheet. I am looking to get the week over week change metrics for the last 7 days. Here's the formula that can provide me that week over week change: Week over week %% =…