VLOOKUP with conditional criteria.

Sarah Zimmerman
edited 09/01/20 in Formulas and Functions

As mentioned in a couple of previous threads, I've created a complicated cross-sheet formula with several different reports. What I'm trying to do now is have a sheet populate whatever information is found in Range 1 if it meets the conditions mentioned.

So, if anything is entered into Range 1 (Outlet) with the condition of "Business Insider", it will populate whatever information found in Range 2, in this case, "Susanna Speier." If any other name is entered in this range further down, it will also automatically be added to my cross sheet. This is the formula I've entered but I think I got lost somewhere along the way because it's unparseable:

=VLOOKUP({2020 CSTE Media Tracking Range 1}, [Bloomberg News], @cell <> "", false)

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