Need another expert on formula?


need to edit an existing column formula to exclude any $$$ (greater or less than 0) scenarios for a specific column value from a different column ("TYPE") is "Cost Avoidance" or "Optimization" so it does not produce a "YES".

So for e.g.

The Column "Type" has the following values:

New Contract


Cost Avoidance


The Column "Implemented Top 10" formula:

=IF([IMP $]@row > 0, "YES", "")

must produce a "YES" for any row greater than "0" - no matter what "Type" value.

I need to produce a "YES" for any row greater than "0" but exclude those $$$ (negative or positive) dollar amounts with a "Type" value that is "Cost Avoidance" or "Optimization".

let me know if that made sense or is possible?


see attachments)

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