Is there a way to show a particular image in a dashboard depending on which option is selected?
Hi Everyone, I am creating a dashboard that will show which locations are open so the senior managers can quickly check in the morning. It is simple enough and will show on the Dashboard that the location is open or closed through a Metric. I want it to look a bit better so have included a picture of the locations as in…
Formula to capture count onto dashboard
I am attempting to create a chart on my dashboard that shows how many reports an individual has completed within the year. I created a new sheet, and use the =countif formula within the cell but keep getting an #UNPARSABLE error. I reference another sheet where the data lives, selecting the column where the assignee is…
Update one sheet based on two columns from another sheet
Hello I have a request sheet and a review sheet. The request sheet generates a task number after submission of a new row. That task number will be manually inputted into another sheet. Once a review is done of the request, the user hits review complete. I want that checkbox (once its clicked on the review sheet) to get…
How to get my numbers to correctly add up?!
Hello everyone, I am tasked with tracking budget moving forward and would like to be able to track overall budget but also budget for each POs. I would like to have the formula to add the Children's Children's (if that makes sense) and ignore the Total of the PO. This way I can have the total of the PO's in one line but…
What's your Best Error Checking Column Using Formula?
I have discovered multiple ways to create a error checking column that looks in all columns to see if there's a broken formula somewhere. However, all the ways I have found aren't very elegant and don't provide the type of details I want. Example: =IF(ISERROR([First Column in Sheet]@row:[Last Column in Sheet]@row), 1) This…
Formula to make a metrics sheet to build a pipleline dashboard
I have a sales tracker sheet and need to continuously pull data as new quotes are formed to show wins/ losses compared to our target in a dashboard. Sheet has 3 columns that need to create the formula: Account type, Weighted Forecast, and Expected Quarter Close. In real words, I want to say Weighted forescast is $1M for…
SUM IF / COLLECT / AND all are failing
I have tried several different ways to do what I thought should be a simple calculation. The purpose is to add Hours from one column where the Priority in a second column is either 1, 2, or 3. For perspective there are 300+ rows in the sheet and it grows daily. There are 8 possible priority settings, one is text. I have…
Formula that returns a value equal to every other day
Date formulas are the most challenging for me. The requirement is to provide a visual calendar that will trigger the quality audit team to complete the audits expected for the current business day. The sheet has three frequency options: Daily, every other day, and weekly. I am struggling to determine the formula for every…
Smartsheet summary formula
Hi All I am trying to create a smartsheet formula for the Summary field that will return the maximum someone in a Senior Quantity Surveyor role is being paid currently in the company, plus the name of the person. I have the max salary part sorted - =MAX(COLLECT(Salary:Salary, [Job Title]:[Job Title], "Senior Quantity…
How to Structure Formulas so if dropdown options change, it auto-updates?
I am trying to compile metrics and get them to auto-update to reflect the values of a drop down. For instance, if the drop down has options like "Physical Exam", "Digital Exam", "Advanced", I'm building columns in my metrics sheet to tabulate the totals for each using countif statements (for each respective month). E.g.:…