Days Remaining Calculation
How do I set a date in the future and then count down the remaining days until that date? For example, my future date is 8/17/18 and each day I want it to show how many days are remaining until 8/17/18.
index match formula not working
Hi, I am using the below index match formula which is not working. The MFG Rev 18 area range is a "contact list" column type, and the column used for the formula is a Text type. I assume the formula is not working due to the type, is there another way around this? =INDEX({Mfg Rev 18 area}, MATCH([Start Date]3, {start date…
Trying to do a group IF statment
Not sure how to ask this but I am trying to set up a tracking sheet that will automatically pull info from a master sheet. I would like to send out a form from for someone to fill out and all they would need to do is put in the job # into the form, and on the track sheet it will automatically fill in the rest of the…
Link if?
Hello! Is there a way to link cells, or even just copy cell/row info, if a specific criteria is met? I am new to Smartsheet and haven't been able to find anything to do this. This is the situation: I am using a webform to create Purchase requests. I have approvals set up. Once the request has been APPROVED, I want specific…
using OR in a formula
Hello Smartsheet Community, I'm looking for some help in utilizing the OR statement within a function which references columns in another sheet. I am trying to count how many rows have a request status of either "Open", "Awaiting Addl Info", or "In Progress" from specific departments who submit these requests. I seem to be…
Dates - Gantt Chart
I'm building out a plan with tasks and dependencies and want the dates to populate based off a vlookup. For example, If "Sprint 12" is selected then the proper start date is set in the Sprint Start Date column...which I am doing now with =VLOOKUP([Sprint Start]4, $[Sprint Start]$123:$[Sprint End Date]$136, 3, false). The…
Counting # of checked boxes in one column
Hi all, I've tried a few different formulas but can't figure out how to count the # of checked boxes in a column. My column is labeled "Approved" and has 131 cells, so I tried: =COUNTIF(approved1:approved131, 1) But I'm getting #BOOLEAN EXPECTED
Bug: COUNT({invalid ref}) returns 1
Unintended feature; 1. I create a new sheet. 2. I add this formula to any cell: =COUNT({blah blah blah}) The function returns 1 (reference is not valid) Other* functions return #INVALID REF as expected. I can see WHY it would return 1 (it has one thing), but it might be better to return #INVALID REF instead. Craig *I did…
Enhancement Request: BRANCH
New feature request posted here: http://ronin-global.com/2018/08/05/smartsheet-enhancement-request-branch/ Craig
Nested IF with COUNTIF
I need to use a nested IF with COUNTIF. Is that possible? The scenario is that I need to count the number of “Red,” “Yellow,” and “Green” balls that are in a particular row in another sheet. Then, * If count of “Red”>=1, return “Red” * If count of “Yellow”=1, return “Yellow” * If count of “Green”=8 (or all), return “Green”…