Date Calculation
=IFERROR(NETWORKDAYS([NAI Project Start Date]7, [NAI Project End Date]7), 0) Cannot get this to calculate The first field has =Another_Cell but the property is set to date. Is this the problem? Im testing the date in the C1 field for being a date with NOPE being the return if its not a date
Setting up Days Outstanding
Hi all! I need to fix a column in Smartsheet. The column that says "# of days outstanding" does not always automatically fill for us. How do I fix this, do I have to put a formula in each cell? Also, smartsheet newbie here, I've been working in it for about a week, so I might need extra help. Thanks in advance! Laura
Formulas // How to set up one sheet writing to another
I created a project request form for one of my team members -- others on the team enter a request by filling out the form, and so the sheet becomes his workload queue. Another team member has a schedule on a separate sheet with some items assigned to the same resource. She asked if there is a way that if she selects his…
unexpected behavior with collect formula
I believe this formula should work, and when I break it apart it seems to work but doesn't when together. Copy from sheet =JOIN(COLLECT({Range 1}, {Range 2}, IF($[By Shift]$1 = "All", @cell = @cell, @cell = $[By Shift]$1), {Range 3}, IF(ISNUMBER($[Within Last (Days)]$1), NETDAYS(@cell, TODAY()) < $[Within Last (Days)]$1,…
Formula Assistance
I am attempting to automate my project list by scoring each project based on calculations in another sheet. I would like to create a "Project Score" based on drop-downs in my project sheet. Sum=Complexity*weight + cost*weight + impact*weight +resources*weight + value*weight. The values of each category and weight are in…
Ignoring blanks in Countifs
I am trying to create a formula to look at multiple columns and count if they meet a specific criteria. I have a formula that works when there is data in the sheet but it causes an error whenever data is missing. I need to create a template that can be used to create several trackers so I need the formula to work when…
At Risk Flag
Good Day All: I am trying to add to the following formula below. If my Due Date (Planned) is within 1 day (i.e. due 04/12/18) and % Complete (Actual) is less than 50%, it should be Flagged. =IF(Duration3 > 0, IF(OR(AND(TODAY() > [Due Date (Planned)]3, [% Complete (Actual)]3 < 1), AND(TODAY() > [Start Date (Planned)]3,…
Index(Collect add to formula page
Can we get an index(collect example added to the collect formula page? I have found it extremely useful in finding specific iterations of data, and I only stumbled upon it trying random things to solve a specific issue I had a while back. It could have saved me quite a bit of time if I had seen an example of it when…
Determining an identifier based on parent/children and an additional factor
I have a sheet where I'm tracking IT initiatives, and some are considered Cross-Platform. Some Cross-Platform records have children and others do not. (See screenshot) Based on some reports I need, I have to identify Cross-Platform initiatives, but do not want to include the child initiatives. I created a column called…
COUNTIFS for individual weeks
I reached out for assistance recently about formulas to count specific projects for individual weeks. The formula assistance I received counts projects from today + next 7 then 13 days then 21 days. What the formulas are not doing is only counting from day 8 to day 13 from today. Here are my formulas...…