Formula - Date Column
I would like to add a second date column in my sheet where the Start Date is manually populated and the new Date Column would count backwards 15 working days and automatically populate. Is this possible? Thank You, Roger
Nested Formulas issue
Hello all, I am currently working on moving some trackers into sheets from excel and I have hit a roadblock with the following formula which works in excel. I have looked at the template formula sheet and I can get them individually to work however not together. Thank you in advance for any help. =IF(J6>0,"Task…
AVG() returning divide by zero
Hello, I am trying I receive help with making a formula that will take the average of the children rows. I found a VERY similar post, and tried to use that formula, but it did not work. The problem is that I have tried to take the average of the children rows, and display it in the Parent roll. The average is of…
Can I add a formula to a drop down list cell?
I currently have drop down list that contains, "Not Started", "In Progress", and "Complete". What I would like to do is add a formula that automatically changes the drop down list from "Not Started" to "In Progress" if the Duration cell has been changed from 0% to anything non-zero. Is it possible to add a formula to a…
I have a drop down text for my second column, I would like to insert a formula that when shipped is selected from the drop down, that it auto checks the check box in column 4 for complete. I have looked through all formula help sheets and can't seem to find this one. Is this even possible? If no, does anyone have any ideas?
Conditional Formatting For 11 Months From a Date
Hi Everyone, Thanks in advance for the help. Here is what I'm trying to accomplish. A service is sold on a specific date. We want a "timer" to start that will highlight the row yellow when it's 2 months from expiring. We want to highlight any row within the 10 month window from start date to be green & dates beyond 365…
Formula to return Parent name of child?
I'm trying to figure out how to return the name of a child's Parent. Example: Parent 1 * Child 1 * Child 2 * Child 3 Parent 2 * Child 4 * Child 5 In the above, I would love to have a column on Row Child 1 that automatically returns "Parent 1" and for Child 4 returns "Parent 2". Is there a way to have a formula function…
Formula to move a row to another sheet?
Good morning, I'm hoping I can formulate a column so that if the checkbox is checked, it will move that row to another specified sheet. Can this be done? If column A is checked, move to Sheet B is the basics, but formulas always mess with me. Blessings, Loann
Feature Request - Auto format for ranges
It would be extremely convenient if we could set our autoformatting rules for a Row, a range, or even the whole sheet, instead of just one column at a time as is the current configuration. EXAMPLE: I have 15 columns that I would like to apply the same 6 formatting rules to. Currently, that means that I have to define 90…
Nested IF statement for RYGB only works in one row
Has anyone come across a scenario where your nested IF statements work perfectly on one row, but when dragged to other rows don't apply the conditions correctly? I've added the following statement to row 47 of my sheet: =IF([Percentage Complete]47 = 100, "Blue", IF([Percentage Complete]47 < 33, "Red", IF([Percentage…