LOOKUP function - I cannot find any info on how it is supposed to work
Hi, I have read some threads but I am still not clear on how LOOKUP is supposed to work. I know it cannot function across sheets. But please can someone provide the syntax and basic data? Thanks, Ele
Compare text in two different columns
I have a large SS that includes two rows of columns...one is the listing of the latest print revision, and I want to compare it to another column reporting which revision the part was actually built to. Both of these columns are populated with a letter (NC, A, B....AZ). My goal is a Conditional format color if the two…
Triggering a notification based on the dates of two rows
I would like to create a notification to let me know a task will be finishing late, which will impact the start of another. IF the 'Finish Date' of task 'Narrative' is greater than the "Start Date' of task 'Review' send notification You can see in the screen shot that Hillary is going to be impacted on starting her work…
How do I count new rows from web forms?
Hello, I'm trying to count new rows that come in on a web form below a specific row using a formula. How do I start my formula range on a specific row, then count all new rows that are below it as they come in from the webform? We use a webform to receive quotes from subcontractors. As they come in, they are moved up to be…
index and Match
Hi Community Im having an issue with index and match 4 i have imported from Excel the sheet is set as follows Item Name Vendor name 1 vendor rate 2 etc, Example Item #102 Rate on vendor 1 20.00 rate on vendor 2 25.00 then i have a coulmn calculating the best price =min on vendor 1-vendor 2 and by best name i want it to…
% complete manipulation
Is it possible to have a second % complete column that somewho only shows what % of work for child tasks that have a start date that is <= Today. So basically I want to know what % of work is complete that should have already started. I would only use this formula on the top level parent row of the whole project and it…
Formula for pulling Start and Finish from cell
Is there a way to pull Start and Finish data from a cell that has both? I'm importing a spreadsheet schedule with cells that have both dates expressing a date range, eg. "2/1 - 2/7"
Adding up checkbox's
HI, everyone. Please assist here: How do I add the number of checked box's in a series of cells in a column. The answer is on the formula example sheet but I am not getting it. I have 7 questions that require a check to indicate yes or a non checked box to indicate no. I want to add the number of checked box's to get a…
Automatically clear a flag symbol when a completed checkbox is selected.
Hi, I have created a simple workflow for testing a product. Within the row is a flag symbol column which the user selects to denote a fault. And when the fault is fixed a check box is selected at the end of the row to say it’s been completed. The fault flags throughout the sheet are counted in a running total as is the…
TIME and DATE/TIME (long)
Hi, This is not a new thread, but rather a branch of the thread derailed (mostly be me) of this thread https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/question-formula-results-reports starting here: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/question-formula-results-reports?page=1#comment-17893 The derailed topic is…