Can someone please help? I cannot figure out why this formula is not working. Fyi..the Current Designation column is column number 2.
Programme RAG
Hi All, I have a roll up sheet for the programme of work, each line is a project that is being worked on or queued for work. Each line has an Overall RAG called ''Overall Status''' for the overall project and I have a metrics table which states the Programme RAG, currently this RAG for the Programme would be manual, i…
Revenue per month Formula extending beyond 1 year
I have a sheet that I have created to forecast revenue per month based on forecasted schedules and dollars/project. Currently this just goes for 1 year, but with projects now starting late Q4 2017 and going into Q1 of 2018, I am needing to revise this formula to add a year definition. Would love if someone could take a…
Setting conditions for RYG balls
I would like to have the RYG balls automatically adjust based on another status column. For instance, if my outside sales people set the status of a row from bidding to the following: Status "Lost" = RED Status "Postponed" or "Unknown" = YELLOW Status "Won" or "Obtained" or "Negotiating" = GREEN Status "Bidding" =Will…
Improvements to Help, Activity Log, Branding, and Navigation
We’re releasing a new update this evening (June 20th), here’s what to look out for: In-line Formula Help—Quickly see syntax for formulas as you type them in a cell. We’ve also revamped our Functions content in the Help Center, which you can find at https://help.smartsheet.com/functions Activity Log—View the Activity Log of…
SUM Function is not working properly
Hey Everyone, I'm currently working in an area where my SUM formula is simply not working, my formula is =SUM(ColumnB127:ColumnB133) and it continues to return a value of 25. Below I have provided a picture. I even thought it may have something to do with the value's being linked, and pulled those values into a separate…
LastChild() function?
Is there a way to display the value of a cell from the last row of children in a given parent row cell?
Sum formula Error When References Results from IF Formula
I am getting an #Invalid Operation error when my Sum formula references a cell with results from an IF formula: =SUM([Column 8]1 * [Column 9]1) results as #Invalid Operation error Column 9 formula =IF([Column 2] = "A", "0.5%", IF([Column 2] = "B", "1.5%")) I've tried to fix by using a nested VALUE= but that does not work…
Formula Help
This might be simple, but I can't figure out a good formula for dates. What I have is a column with dates, and another column (Year) next to it that is hopefully an If statement. Something like IF the date is in 2015 THEN put a 15. I need this column so I can reference this Year column when calculating total investments…
RYG Roll-up
Hello, I am trying to create a formula that shows a green ball only if all children have a green ball. Thanks.