IF/AND Formula
Hi, I am following identical logic to another formula in my sheet that is working, so I cannot for the life of me figure out why this is not: =IF(AND(Eval Payment Status]1 = "Appointment Pending (pay plan)", [Initial Pay Plan Amount Due]1 = 0), 1, 0) Here, I am trying to establish that IF Eval Payment Status shows…
Count Past Due and Coming Due Items
I would like to count past due and coming due items. For Past Due, I have a variance column that I have been able to use =COUNTIF(Variance2:Variance31, >0). The issue I have is that it is also counting completed tasks that had a variance but have since been checked off as done. Is there a way to haev it not include those?…
Using COUNTIF and MONTH() to Find a Specific Date
Hello: For a given set of rows with due dates: 04/03/17 04/28/17 04/03/17 04/03/17 06/01/17 04/03/17 05/17/17 05/17/17 04/28/17 I need a formula that will count up all those due in April. I am working with the following formula, but it is not quite right yet: =COUNTIF(DueDate:DueDate, @cell MONTH(DueDate:DueDate) = 4) Can…
Automate RYG Ball based on Checkboxes in Other Columns
I need help from the SmartSheet formula masters... I have 10 checkbox columns (checkbox) and I want the RYG ball to automatically change with the following conditions: * 1) "Red" if no checkboxes are checked. * 2) "Yellow" if some checkboxes are checked. * 3) "Green" if all checkboxes are checked. with one exception... if…
Automatically back dating based upon future date
Hello, I would like to update a sheet by putting a date in one field and having serveral date feild updated based upon the first feild. Now I think that I can do [date] + 15 or [field] + 15 but can't figure out how to set a date and work back 1,2,3, etc weeks from that date. [Field] - 7 day does not appear to work.…
Finding text between two parenthesis
I am trying to pull the text between two parenthesis and place in another field. In the screen shot attached I am wanting to get the data between the two parenthesis in the "Requested by (NetID) field and place it in the "Requested by NetID"). In other words, I want "dj32" to be in the second field. Anyone have any ideas…
My firm uses Smartsheet for timesheets and client billing. There are now 22 people filling in individual timesheets. There is a Client Name column with a dropdown box with all the client names, probably about 100 now. Monthly, I manually go into all 22 timesheets and update that dropdown box with new client names. This…
% Calculations On children
HI Community I have A Quick Question On % Calculations I have a Payment Sechdule Which has a a main Name For example Wall Framing Under Wall Framing i have indent Wall framing on Floor 1, Floor 2 etc, And i ran =SUM(CHILDREN()) To calculate Total We charge on Wall framing Now For my customer i want to send only The Main…
Counting rows with multiple drop-down options
Hello, I would like to count all the rows on a sheet that meets certain criteria. The sheet has a column [Project Status] with the following drop down items: Tentative Confirmed In Process Delayed On Hold Punch List Completed Cancelled RMA Processing I would like to get a total count of all the rows that have open…
Find the Max and Min value in a column
Hi, I have a sheet with a single column that has a large range of numbers. I would like to use conditional formatting to highlight the highest number and the lowest number within this column so its easy to see when viewing the sheet. I can use the functions Max() and Min() to find the highest and lowest values, but these…