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Compare text in two different columns

Bob Payton
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I have a large SS that includes two rows of columns...one is the listing of the latest print revision, and I want to compare it to another column reporting which revision the part was actually built to.  Both of these columns are populated with a letter (NC, A, B....AZ).


My goal is a Conditional format color if the two columns do NOT agree.


I am fine with building a hidden column where a formula resides, populating a 0 or 1 (then having the Conditional Format built from there).


My problem:  Is there a formula that will give me that answer, and if so, what is it??


  • If you do indeed create a third hidden column, the formula for that column would look like this... =IF([First Cell}= [Second Cell], 1, 0)    Meaning that if the two are equal, it will produce a one, if not then a zero. Then you can set a new rule in conditional formating (the colorful grid in your toolbar) to turn the values in that column a certain color if they do or do not match.  Hope this helps!

    Smartsheet Cond Format.png

  • Well I could have sworn I tried that previously, but it did work this time.  Thanks so much for your assistance!

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