Getting a specific date of the month to show in a date field.
A quick background of the build. I am building a sheet that show an "Activity" and its "Date to be Completed by", along with other columns but for this question they don't affect anything. I have a bunch of formulas to get specifics days of the week or to have a task reset its date to the next day and so on. Currently I am…
Unsure where WORKDAY fits in with a VLOOOKUP to another sheet
A sheet has task start and end dates for various product tasks. The products and tasks are listed in a separate project task lookup sheet. The Task End Date is calculated as x days from the Task Start Date, depending on what the task and product is. Both columns are Date columns. This formula works, but it doesn't exclude…
Card View - Lanes by Parent Task?
My sheet is setup with the following levels with how tasks are nested - see screenshot. In the card view, I want the lanes to be the Project Setup level tasks. I have a column formula where I am extracting the parent name and then viewing the lanes with that, but that is pulling everything at the Task 3 level too. How can…
How to Nest IF statements in the correct order
I am tasked with collecting labor rates per employee, but the labor rates change based on the dates posted. For instance, I have old labor rates applied to dates older than December 1st 2023. We recently had some promotions and now I also have to pull labor rates after March 28th 2024. The labor rates after March 28th are…
Need help assimilating data based on row conditions
Hi there, I need some help regarding formulas in Smartsheet. I have a raw data entry sheet, where I am entering the number of Work orders my production team is working for the day. I am trying to find a way to pull in corresponding columns of data sets based on the date column. In the first photo, you can see the raw data…
Update cell in main row based on values in a group of rows?
Hi there -- I have a sheet that does not use hierarchy, but does have a main row with related rows under it. The main row has a milestone "Primary" and the subsequent rows have Milestone 1, Milestone 2, etc. Within the milestones, there are tasks, such as Task 1, Task 2, etc. I would like the status on the primary…
Moving data from one sheet to another - nothing works! VLOOKUP, INDEX MATCH, INDEX COLLECT
Hi Community! Hoping one of you might know what I'm doing wrong here. I'm trying to bring data from my source sheet (a list of requests) into a target sheet (list of placements). I've created a reference ID that exists in both sheets (KP Placement ID) that is an auto-generated number in the source sheet. It's manually…
Formula to find and retrieve a specific value from a list with multiple values
Hi Community, I am not sure what formula or combination of formulas to use for the below example: I have a list of Spring products, each product is sorted into a type, and a similar list for Fall products. For each product I have a column to check if that specific product has an image. In a different sheet (here I use…
Need help with COUNTIF
When I use this formula, it works fine, =COUNTIFS([Date Request Submitted -System]:[Date Request Submitted -System], <=TODAY(), [Date Request Submitted -System]:[Date Request Submitted -System], >TODAY(-7)) + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, OR(@cell = "Submitted", @cell = "Acknowledged", @cell = "Revisit Underway")) As soon as I…
How to edit filter to include YEAR function
So I had this formula created and its searching by a couple of different metrics to gather the average of a column but only via the supervisor name for another column. Silly me forget we only need to spit back data from 2024 as the sheet collects multiple years worth of data and my brain is really struggling to add this…