Formula Assistance - Pulling values after delimiter in text string
Hello all, Trying to make a formula that pulls the 11-15 digits following the 14th "_" in the "Ad Name" Column. My formula is currently =RIGHT([Ad Name]@row, 12) however the length of the text I need can range from 11-15. Is there a formula that pulls everything after the 14th "_" that doesn't specify how many characters…
COUNTIFS with start date, end date and multiple criteria
Hi all, I tried searching for this and I found a few things that came close but this formula request has a bit of an extra layer. I have a report that is currently achieving this and now I need to write a formula in order to put that number on a dashboard. The reports filter criteria is as follows: If "Status" is not one…
Formula to calculate and copy dates based on form submissions and standard timeframes
I am very new to Smartsheet and I am struggling to find the right formula for a sheet. I am working on a access sheet linked to a form. Different access categories have standard timeframes, for others, the person submitting the form will have to indicate a specific date. I was planning to have a column where to have all…
Identifying successors of successors (and so on...)
Current status: I've successfully generated a "Successors" column, listing direct successors of each row, using the following formula: =JOIN(SUCCESSORS([Task Name]@row), ",") Current roadblock: My "successors" column only shows direct successors. I'm looking to create a column that lists ALL successors, all the way up the…
Modified SUCCESSORS() function to report more than just direct successors
WHY IS THIS USEFUL? This updated function would allow us to filter the spreadsheet for only the driving path to a particular row#. This would be similar to a filter for critical path, but enable much more flexibility. Current status: I've successfully generated a "Successors" column, listing direct successors of each row,…
Copy & Paste from Sheet to Sheet
Hi, This seems like it would be pretty straight forward but I'm finding it not, of course. I have two sheets, one with a set of 'project templates' which have numerous formulas, formats, etc., and I have another sheet with a list of projects (same exact column setup) using these templates, but filled out with actual data…
I Need Help with IF Formula for Progress Bar Symbol Column to Function Accordingly
I'm trying to set up our Carpentry Shop's Progress Bar by how many hours they've used from the total hours they were assigned to use for the project. The following screenshot shows an example. The carpentry shop was assigned a total of 80 hours to use. So far they've used 40 hours. The progress bar's formula then updates…
CountIfs Function to Determine if Completed on Time
Hi, I am trying to put together a formula sheet from our data in our inventory. Within the inventory, each project is assigned to someone and given a due date, they will manually enter their completion date. I want the formula to count # of projects someone completes on time. Here is my current formula: =COUNTIFS({Assigned…
Row Delimiter in a formula?
Hi all, I have a sheet that contains hierarchy, I needed to make a dynamic view and maintain the hierarchy, which I partially achieved with formula columns. Long story short, I have a parent cell (program) and children cells (parts). In dynamic view I want to have 'program' in the main view, which I achieved and 'parts' in…
Calculating 2 criteria from one column up to a specific date, also including a check box reference
I'm trying to calculate data from a status column that has drop down options of 'in progress' and 'not started' and see how many from those 2 criteria return an end date up to the end of June 2024 (working days will be 28 June). Also ensuring that a check box for if it's being reported is checked. I'm using a sheet…