How to Add Categories in Personal Budget Management Template
Hello. I am new-ish to SmartSheet. I am wondering if anyone can help me understand how to add more budget categories to the existing Personal Budget Management project template (specifically trying to add categories to the "Budget Setup" sheet in a way that keeps the formulas in tact... currently only a certain number of…
IF/CONTAINS Formula Question
Right now I'm trying to experiment with pulling information from one sheet to another based on if the creation day and submitter match, and I'm struggling to get it to work. First I was getting an "INVALID DATA TYPE" error, so I tried starting from scratch but now I'm getting an "INCORRECT ARGUMENT" error, so I guess…
I need some help changing my At Risk formula so it doesn't flag when dates are empty
How can I change this formula so that if there are NO start dates and end dates in a row when it is set to Not Started, it does NOT show as flagged. Here is what it is currently doing: Here are the formulas I currently have set up for Status: =IF(ISBLANK(Complete@row), "", IF(Complete@row = "Not Started", "Gray",…
Formula Cell Reference Limit (25,000,000) Not Refreshing
Hi all, We're having an issue where the 25,000,000 formula cell reference limit was reached after adding a new column, but even after deleting way more columns and cell references than we added, it's still showing the attached error message and not letting us move any new rows into the sheet. We should be far below the…
Resource Management and Contact List
I have a project tracking sheet where the "Assigned To" field is a contact list. For the first row of the sheet, the Assigned To cell is calculated based on a Summary Sheet value (=[IT Contact]#). All the task level Assigned To values are then selected from the contact list from-down. This works fine until I turn on…
Index, Collect, with Contains
I have tried this multiple ways and it's still not working. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Source data: Destination sheet: Into the Destination sheet, I want to pull the "Task Start Date" where the Client Name and Customer Name match and where the Source "Task Description" includes "Nursing". The source sheet may…
Checklist population with info from another sheet
Hi team! I'm hoping one of you wise Smartsheets gurus have some guidance. I am trying to build out a "checklist" that will populate with data from another form and for the life of me I cannot figure it out! For a little more context, I work in the Mortgage industry. The documentation needed for each loan can vary,…
Hours and Minutes calculation
Hi, I have a Start Time column and an End Time column and I would like it to calculate the hours and minutes of duration into another column. I scoured Smartsheets and found information on this, see link below, but when I try the formula, which should give me 0 hour(s) and 45 min, I get 0 hour(s) and 4500 min. Can someone…
Using Formulas with cross reference sheets
Hello, I need help adding one more criterion to this formula I am using to pull data from one sheet (Budget) and give me a total expense in another sheet (Staffing). =SUMIF({5320182 VENDOR}, @cell = [Last Name]@row, {5320182 EXPENSE}) This formula is pulling the data fine but I need to narrow it down one more time by…
Extracting a string of text, sometimes between other text.
Hello all, I'm looking to build a formula that will return the digital object identifier (doi) string from a paper citation. The problem is, sometimes it the last piece of the citation, sometimes there is additional text at the end, and sometimes there isn't a doi to return. I've been playing around with a few formulas…