If Has on multi select with an Index/Match
trying to get this to work.. but failing on correct syntax. =IF(HAS("California", State:State), , IFERROR(INDEX({DS-Record #}, MATCH([WSGR Email]@row, {DS-Email}, 0)), "")), IF(HAS("CA", State:State), "") ultimately, we have a multi-select option on the form, if they select multiple states we want it to look up their bar #…
Hello, I’m looking to add to an existing formula. The formula below checks if the Country and Instructor Currency match and pulls in the Fee if it does match, or the Converted Fee if it doesn’t match. The formula also matches the Instructor Name, Course and Format match. This has been working great where I have an…
Duration as a formula to accommodate resource allocation varience
I have three columns in my schedule sheet. Duration (native column) hours and resource allocation. I would like the Duration to be my hours divided by my resource allocation. So If I plan to put 2 people on a 80 hours project my duration is only 5 days not 10. I tried a formula in my duration column but it doesn't allow…
SUMIFS for multiple reference sheets
Hi, I am setting up a metric sheet for a dashboard chart. I am trying to add Revenue for Delivered sessions, Revenue for Expired sessions, and Revenue for Scheduled sessions. The two columns are REVENUE and SESSION STATUS (Delivered, Expired, Scheduled). However, because of the size limitations to Smartsheet sheets, I had…
Formula to return the SUM of prices from a cell with multiple values (multiselect column)
Hello! I'm sure someone has encountered this issue before so hopefully there's a work around it. We have a tracker with multiple service requests. We document each request in a very detailed way here. We already have a lot of columns here, so adding more than 2-3 is not an option. From a multi-select column named…
Why are most of my months showing up "N/A" when I know there is data?
Why are my metrics showing N/A on mostly all of my months for Long Term Project TCC? Please see formula below Populates only one month:
Hi Smartsheets community, I am trying to create a summary field in a sheet that joins all the text from one column that meets these criteria: has a created date less than 20 days old has a label of "decision" in another column OR a star for priority in another column. I have a sheet used to track RAID entries, and…
I've written out this formula numerous ways at this point and I think I'm just trying to work outside of my current abilities. I'm trying to write an "IF" formula to calculate the cost of shipping materials because there are 4 different scenarios that I need to calculate for: Scenario 1: No shipping material used ($0).…
Formula Help: How to exclude past dates with MIN formula?
I am not good with formulas and haven't been able to figure this one out with usual troubleshooting... I am using the following formula to return the next upcoming Review Date (screenshots of use below). =MIN([Next Review Date]27:[Next Review Date]30) But I want to make it so that it doesn't include dates that are in the…
Formula to check star symbol question- Need Help!
Hi friends, I need a smartsheet formula to check a star if any of the date columns are within the next 90 days AND if any of the text column values contain "text - value" in them. I have been using generative AI to assist me but something is slightly off an I keep getting an invalid operation error. below is the formula:…