Help with a formula to auto number
Hello! I have a need to create / automate a few subcategories when a new row is added to a sheet. Here is what I'm looking at. You can see in the 'Budget Action Requested' column there are Initial actions and Amendments. The Unique ID column next to it collects data about the study to assist in populating the row using…
How to set up a formula to get around timestamps?
I have the search send over as a csv, but it has the date field formatted differently than how Smartsheet sees date fields. I occasionally run into this issue when I use the date field from the system notes in NetSuite. Is there a formula that could be set up to get around this? I have the column set up as a date field…
No idea where to start?!?!?
Hi all! New to smartsheet and struggling with formulas. Here is the sheet I am currently working with (Sheet A) I want the column labeled DC AVG to populate the total AVG for all Doc Control lines, from the Date of Inspection and any dates prior. (I manually populated the existing data in DC AVG) Similarly for LP AVG, I…
Countifs w/ two date ranges and two different sheet
Hello All, I am trying to count the number of projects within the same date range, but there are two different sheets I need to pull this from. I keep getting an INCORRECT ARGUEMENT SET. Here's the idea of what I have: =COUNTIFS({Sheet1}, Criterion1 , {Sheet1 Date Range}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2023, 7, 1), @cell <= DATE(2023,…
Is there a way to weight the average in a sheet summary report?
I have a report that pulls from the sheet summaries of multiple sheets. One of the fields divides two other fields to show the % of items completed. However, when grouping & adding summaries to each column, the % completed summary averages the values below it rather than showing the actual % of items completed. In the…
What formula do i use for date ranges = Priority?
I have a priority column I have a invoice date column I require a formula that changes the priority: to high for anything over 90 days old of the invoice date To medium for anything between 61 - 89 days old of the invoice date To low for anything 0 to 60 days old from the invoice date can anyone help with a formula and/or…
Is there an automation/formula that allows a copied row to be updated?
I have created a master sheet for grant invoicing. We have 14 different institutions who received the grant and who will be submitting invoices to the master sheet. I have created a workflow for each institution so that when they submit to the master sheet, that row will be copied to a separate Smartsheet with just the…
Date & Timestamp a specific cell change
Hello, I am very new to Smartsheet and I am working on a project tracking sheet. We have the following statuses in a cell: Unassigned; In Progress; Completed; Cancelled; On Hold When a request is submitted this automatically triggers a 'Created Date' column that logs the date/time of creation. I would like this to be…
Calculate Average of Task Progress, per Person
Hello, I am trying to create a dashboard showing the average task completion status' of a number of team members. I feel this needs to be completed in Sheet Summary, but can't figure the right formula... Essentially trying to get; AVG of Column [Status], IF Assigned to [Joe] Any clues? thanks PS. the dark rows are parent…
Formula to display multi-select options separately
I want to use the same formula, but instead of adding number amounts, I want it to display multiple selections in another column. Currently, tried this: =IF(CONTAINS("- Joining neighborhood-based, in-person adult learning house parties", [22/23: Torah (Learning) Commitment]@row), "Jewish Journey") + IF(CONTAINS("-…