Formula Question
I am trying to find metrics on everything that is not multiple things. This is a drop down column that has a list of options and I need to exclude from the count CEG 1, CEG2,...., CEG7 I attempted to use this formula =COUNTIF({ColumnReferencetoSearch}, "<>*CEG*"), but the total it gives me is incorrect (2653). I know this…
If Then Formula for 2 Columns
Hello everyone, I'm still a "new" Smartsheet user even though I've been using it for over a year. I want to set up the following formula: if column A equals 1 then column B equals 2. I want to apply the formula to both columns. For more specific details, the terms I'm using are: IF VPM Categorization equals Cost, THEN…
Formula to tally revenue from columns in reference
I'm setting up a Metrics Sheet and want to tally up the revenue received for all sessions delivered for each month. For example, I want to know how much in revenue we received for webinars in January, onsites in July, etc. The columns in the sheet are Month, Onsite or Web?, and Revenue for Session. All three columns on are…
Sequentially Numbering Repeated Values
I have sheet where Group AAA is listed 50+ times then group BBB, CCC, etc.. What formula can be used to sequentially number the Groups like pictured below? Thank you!
Is there a better way???
=IF($[Year Select]$2 = "2023", [2023]@row, "" + IF($[Year Select]$2 = "2022", [2022]@row, "")) I am having an issue where I can select 2023 just fine, but when I select 2022 all of my reference dates change to a "Text date" and the formula in the data 1 & 2 columns do not recognize it. Is there an easy way to fix this? Or,…
Looking to reference a sheet name on a different sheet
I have a sheet that uses a nested formula to scan 3 different sheets to pull in specific data related to a Sales Order number. Is there any way to craft a formula that will produce the name of the sheet where the information was pulled from? -Using a report will not work because the function of the file is to pull in…
Date of column modification
I would like to create a column (Status Modified) that will show the last day that another column (Status) on the same row was modified. What formula can I use to get this information on my Status Modified column?
Number of Items Opened and Closed in a week.
I have a worksheet named "Rich Complaint" that holds the data. Another worksheet named "Calc Data" that holds the calculations for the Dashboard. I want to write a formula in "Calc Data" that looks at the columns in "Rich Complaint" named "Date Created" and column name "Date Closed" to determine how many items have been…
Count if *specific word* is present, alone or among other words.
Hi all. Looking for help with a formula where the excel method does not work in Smartsheet. I want to count the number of occurrences of a word where sometimes that word has other words in the cell. I need SmartSheet to count the word whether or not the word is in a cell by itself or among other words. I am adding this…
If date range includes a Friday - check a box
I have a sheet with a start date and an end date. I would like a checkbox column to be checked if that date range includes a Friday. Any ideas on how I would do that? Thank you in advance. Jennifer