More fun with functions =IF(OR
So, I am trying to set up a formula that assigns a person based on a teaching discipline. I have had some success, however, only when it comes to 1-to-1 relationships. I would like to assign an individual name based on any of several possible teaching disciplines within their purview. So, what I have that currently works…
Using IF/OR statement in a formula
Hi, I'm trying to have the status on Row 9 update to 'Complete' if either Row 10 or 11 have a status of 'Call - Scheduled' but I am getting an error. =IF(OR([Status10]="Call - Scheduled", [Status11]="Call - Scheduled"), "Complete") Thanks!
I am fairly new to formulas in Smartsheet, and I am having trouble with the following formula where I am trying to check a Checkbox from another sheet ("Devices Secured") and set a Text/Number value ("Device Security OK") to either "OK" or "Not OK" based on whether the Checkbox is checked or not. This seems fairly…
Need to return the first NON-BLANK value if [Client full name]@row matches {Client full name}
I have a MASTER sheet containing client data, and an UPDATE sheet to use for processing updates to client data (i.e. users submit data updates via a form and the latest entries go to the top of the sheet). To ensure my master sheet contains the most up-to-date client data, I am trying to use an INDEX/COLLECT function to…
Index collect formula
Can anyone help me with a formula? I am trying to sum a column from another sheet based on what is selected in a multi select dropdown. I worked with the Pro Desk at Smartsheet and they provided me with this formula, however its not working . Perhaps I have parenthesis or comma off someplace?? =IFERROR(SUM(INDEX({Team…
Want to match values in multiple columns
I want to match the JIRA ID in the Jira ticket sheet to auto populate the Reported Issue ID1,Reported Issue ID2,Reported Issue ID3 (Issue ID in Issue Reporting sheet), there are multiple issue ID for same Jira ID Is there a way we can auto populate Reported Issue ID's from Issue Reporting Sheet to Jira Tickets sheet? Is…
How to use 'countif' with 'contains'
In the attached example, I would like to count all softwares that used 'Dimensions' (either Dimensions only or Dimensions together with other software). Does anyone knows the exact formula for this?
How do I create a IF(AND formula combining multiple cross references?
In this screenshot I am sharing my rollup data sheet. Of the 6 Total Amex CB Count, I am trying to determine how many of those each of our Branches has but I keep getting different errors using formula: =COUNTIFS({Dispute & Chargeback intake sheet branch}, CONTAINS([Data Points]32, @cell), IF(AND({Dispute & Chargeback…
Invalid Value Error in some rows of a Formula Column
I have an inventory transaction sheet that I have been working on for a little bit now. Looking at my Stock Alerts column again, it looks like there is an issue. The purpose of this column is to alert if the quantity requested is greater than or equal to the current quantity. If there is an error, then flag that the item…
COUNTIF with specific text
Hello, I am trying to do a COUNTIF formula that counts the number of cells that have the "gap" in the text. My current formula works but I would like to modify it to count cells that just contain the word "gap" and does not account for capitalization (I.E. can pick up on "gap", "GAP", "Gap" etc. . How can I include that?…