Date and Product formulas
I'm referencing a sheet and I need to see how many product a have an end date between 30 - 60 days. Thank you!
The $ Formula
A consultant I worked with was tasked with building a graph showing our portfolio growth over time. The graph needed to be a 12-month trailing horizontal axis which uses the (already recorded) dates for when any new project is triggered for provisioning. On the vertical axis, we wanted to track the sum of the project sizes…
Number of weeks countdown from today to start date
Hi! I've searched other threads and haven't found a formula that works for me. I'm trying to create a countdown in weeks for events on a sheet to pull into a dashboard. I want to display the number of weeks from today's date to the event start date. I tried this formula: =WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()) - WEEKNUMBER([Start Date]12)…
Help for Status Change and Tracking
I am trying to create dashboard widgets from data that I am tracking. For this widget I am wanting to have a graph show the number of people in each status section I have listed: "Not Started", "In Progress" and "Completed". Each employee has an individual sheet with tasks listed along with corresponding start/end dates,…
Countifs statements for date fields that are in the past
Hi there, I am looking to summarize data from a master sheet for inclusion into a dashboard via a project metrics sheet. Within the master sheet I have an “Opening Date” that is populated when the opening date is decided. I want to populate the Dashboard with the number of sites that HAVE opened each month (past tense).…
Need help with pulling contacts from another sheet
Hi. I have three different agencies that have a list of employee names and email addresses. When I do data entry into Smartsheets, I am trying to pull the list of the agencies email addresses into the form so I can send them an email. Here's the formula I have so far, but I'm getting an #incorrect arguement set.…
Combine all row comments in one cell in same row?
I am needing to create a cell that has all of the comments for a particular row combined. We need to display more than just the latest comment. I understand that there is a 4000 character limit for a cell. It would be nice if it showed the latest 4000 characters or we can add a second row/ cell for overflow. I found a post…
How to count the latest status on a record
Hello! I have a sheet that's feeding on an automation from another sheet and it is set to copy a row whenever a status changes on a case. Now I'm working on a series of monthly dashboards and I want to show the count of cases that where in each one of the status before each month ended. This is my sheet that's feeding from…
Formula to auto-summarise Delivery Risk assessment
Hi all, I'm attempting to build a function into my master milestone tracking sheet which will auto-populate my ‘Delivery Risk’ column, based on a series of conditions met in other cells in the row. Underpinning thinking is as follows: ‘Target Milestone Date’ are set for every row Assumption that ‘Actual Completion Date’…
I need to have a count down from Column A Date with the current date and show the number in a column
Colum A Date - has a date ( if in the future ) Colum B - should show me the countdown as per the current date