Formula to auto-summarise Delivery Risk assessment


Hi all,

I'm attempting to build a function into my master milestone tracking sheet which will auto-populate my ‘Delivery Risk’ column, based on a series of conditions met in other cells in the row. Underpinning thinking is as follows:

  • ‘Target Milestone Date’ are set for every row
  • Assumption that ‘Actual Completion Date’ will be blank for each ‘Delivery Risk’ condition
  • The ‘Progress’ column is manually updated by project leads based on, surprisingly, progress
  • The only condition where this isn’t the case, is when an ‘Actual Completion Date’ is entered, which runs an automation to change ‘Progress’ to ‘Complete’
  • Therefore, I’ve been trying to create a formula using =IF(AND(ISBLANK etc to address the logical conditions listed in the table below, but have been struggling with the complexity of the conditions
  • ‘Status’ auto populates based on conditional formating

Any help or advice in how to set this formula up would be much appreciated.



Best Answer

  • Paul McGuinness
    Paul McGuinness ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    HI @SailingSheets

    This formula should do the trick for you

    =IF(AND([Target Milestone Date]@row - TODAY() > 14, Progress@row = "Not Started"), "On Track", IF(AND([Target Milestone Date]@row - TODAY() > 7, Progress@row = "In Progress"), "On Track", IF(AND([Target Milestone Date]@row - TODAY() < 14, [Target Milestone Date]@row - TODAY() > 6, Progress@row = "Not Started"), "At Risk", IF(AND([Target Milestone Date]@row - TODAY() < 7, Progress@row = "In Progress"), "At Risk", IF(AND([Target Milestone Date]@row - TODAY() < 7, Progress@row = "Not Started"), "Behind", IF(AND([Target Milestone Date]@row <= TODAY(), ISBLANK(Progress@row)), "Behind", IF(Progress@row = "Complete", "", "Error")))))))

    Tested and working as a column formula

    Hope that helps




  • Paul McGuinness
    Paul McGuinness ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    HI @SailingSheets

    This formula should do the trick for you

    =IF(AND([Target Milestone Date]@row - TODAY() > 14, Progress@row = "Not Started"), "On Track", IF(AND([Target Milestone Date]@row - TODAY() > 7, Progress@row = "In Progress"), "On Track", IF(AND([Target Milestone Date]@row - TODAY() < 14, [Target Milestone Date]@row - TODAY() > 6, Progress@row = "Not Started"), "At Risk", IF(AND([Target Milestone Date]@row - TODAY() < 7, Progress@row = "In Progress"), "At Risk", IF(AND([Target Milestone Date]@row - TODAY() < 7, Progress@row = "Not Started"), "Behind", IF(AND([Target Milestone Date]@row <= TODAY(), ISBLANK(Progress@row)), "Behind", IF(Progress@row = "Complete", "", "Error")))))))

    Tested and working as a column formula

    Hope that helps



  • SailingSheets

    Hi Paul,

    Amazing, this looks to be working great. Thank you very much!


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