PMO Template Set: Suggestions for challenges with how Schedule Health is calculated?
I am struggling with how Schedule Health is calculated in the Project Plan that comes with the PMO template set – it seems misleading and not an accurate reflection of health because: After setting a Baseline, the Schedule Health is still calculated using Target End Date (which is likely a different date than what is in my…
Add multiple amounts together for multiple selections
I am trying to create a formula that can look at a column with multiple choices, put a number value for each option chosen and add them together for a total. So if they choose option A, amount is 400, option B, another 400, option C, 500, etc. the column would add those amounts together to get 1300. Here is what I have so…
Get dollar amounts in K to show up as full numbers?
Hi there, I have a sheet where dollar amounts come from Excel into the sheet as $x K. I would like to have these format as $x,000. Is there a way I can do this using a formula? Interestingly, when I use import functionality, the numbers convert automatically. But in this use case, users will be copying and pasting single…
Formula for %
Im looking for a formula to return the percentage that our projects are over/under.
Remove an update request with a formula or workflow?
I have a sheet that will automatically request an update if certain parameters are met. But sometimes the fields get marked directly through the sheet instead of through the update request form. Is there a way to automatically remove the request update if the parameters are met through the sheet? For example if there is an…
Conditional Cell Linking between a sheet and a form
Hi, I have created a form in Smartsheets which has different logic, depending on the user's response specific questions appear, and user inputs specific information. This gets created in a sheet in a different set of columns. Reading this table which is directly being populated from the form can be difficult as one has to…
CountIF and OR Formula
Hello, I'm trying to construct a COUNTIFS formula which is currently: =COUNTIFS({Arrival Date}, {Arrival Date} <= DATE(2023, 7, 31), {Arrival Date}, >=DATE(2023, 7, 1), {Status}, "Provisional") This works and returns a value but I also want it to include {Status} of "Confirmed" as well as "Provisional". I've tried:…
Send Automated Alert to Group
Is it possible to send an automated alert to a group? It looks like the only options are to specific people, contacts in a cell, and everybody shared to the sheet. I have two groups shared to the sheet, one has Editor capabilities while the other is just a Viewer. Is it possible to send to just one of these two groups? If…
Cross Sheet Formula, COUNTIFS + AND?
Hi!!! Tried this and it is #UNPARSEABLE: =COUNTIFS({cost savings check}, 1), AND({OPENED}, >=DATE(2023, 1, 1), {OPENED}, <=DATE(2023, 12, 31)) I've been noodling with it but can't seem to get it to work, help would be greatly appreciated!
How to get all drop down values to pop up in one cell?
If I wanted Interns and IT to pop up in the highlighted area automatically, what formula/feature could I use? If there is a way to do that, is there any way I could have the attendee name pop up only if they checked off 100% Confirmed in the column on the right?