Using RYG to determine health status of progress made
This is a question I am piggy backing on.. Automating a Roll up for RYG Symbols for Health — Smartsheet Community I am also trying to use a similar formula but based on % Scheduled Elapsed, % Progress delayed and % completed. I'm using a template created but trying to make a new workspace that does pull from a different…
Pulling a list of users who are taking a course
I need assistance with creating an automated report for each course in my spreadsheet. The spreadsheet contains information about courses and learners. Instead of manually creating reports for over 100 courses, I want to establish a link from each course entry that leads to a report or filtered spreadsheet listing the…
SUMIFS not working with additional field added
Hello, I'm trying to do a SUMIFS Formula for a month. =SUMIFS({Period Month}, "January", {cuscode}, Category@row, {extprice}) I'm getting incorrect argument. Previously I did this formula for the total and it worked. =SUMIF({cuscode}, Category@row, {extprice}) Not sure why the modification isn't working? Amy
Formula help
I am needing to pull from the main sheet: If contractor is X, and it is X date how many "daily weld count" I need to put together a graph that shows contract X has # welds per day. I have managed to count how many entries there are for a given date but not the # in the "daily weld count" column. Here is the formula I used…
Asked to Calculate Average Monthly Submissions
Hello! I had a simple request - to calculate the average monthly submissions. While it's easy for me to actually calculate - I'm having trouble translating the request into a formula to track in the Sheet Summary. Each row is a request - so I have a 'count' of 111 requests. I have a "Date Submitted" to determine the number…
Formula help with SUMIFS. Would like to incorporate an IFMAX in there somehow.
Here's the headers in one sheet and a few example rows to picture what I'm looking to do. So project 8 for example might see his engagement go up from Facture (invoice) 9.6 to 9.7. The engagement of PO ending in 1258 went from 888888 to 999999. That's a scenario that might happen which I'm trying to capture in a formula.…
COUNT Formula for projects in multiple different statuses
Hello! I am creating a metrics page and am trying to create a formula to count the number of projects with different statuses. I want the formula to count ONLY projects with the project type at "Contract" AND that are in the status of either "Not Started" or "In Progress" I have 2 separate formulas to count the total…
Nested Ifs not working
Hey, I'm trying to create some nested ifs for grid logic. This works perfectly for one if statement =IF(LOE@row = "Large", "12", “Empty”) But once I start to nest, it does not, and I've tried multiple combinations of parens and read the articles, etc, but it keeps saying #UNPARESEABLE" =IF(LOE@row = "Large", "12",…
Control Center Find/Replace to Edit Cross Sheet Reference?
Hello all, I was asked to delete a specific column in the CRAID Log template and all instances created through Control Center. In my Blueprint, I have a sheet that is used to store some meta data that feeds a larger 'master data' sheet. Unbeknownst to me, that column was referenced in a formula on the meta data sheet. Is…
Work around for duplicates to only show the most updated row
Hi, I have a list of names that were entered to the sheet more than once (but a different value in other columns). I have a helper column to identify which are the duplicates, but is there a way to show only one of the updated one in a report? Source Sheet Test 1 & Test 2 are duplicates, but I only need the newer enter to…