Formula Remediation
I asked the AI tool in Smartsheet to help create a formula that achieves the following (the name of the "Engineer" has been changed for discreteness): i want to create formula that would give [Lead Allocation] * [WIP Revenue] when [Engineer Lead] is "Bob Smith" and otherwise give 0, but I want this formula to sum it up for…
I need help with the RYGB Status Balls formula
Hello, I am trying to calculate health status (RYGB) for each task and milestone. Red= Not Started and past due, Yellow, In progress, but % complete is equal to or lower than 48% (.48), Green is in progress, % complete is equal to 60% or greater and blue is completed. I have read through many posts, but cannot seem to find…
COUNTIF between date range and 2 criteria
I am trying to cross reference another sheet to count all of the projects assigned to a specific person in between a certain range, but the # of projects assigned and the person assigned to the project are 2 separate criteria. For example, I want to know how many "A" projects that Jane completed in the month of January. I…
Report Parent, Child, and all Children under a Specific Parent
I've attempted to create formulas and helper columns to accomplish my task, but I must not be understanding how to get to my desired conclusion. I would like to take a subset of my overall project plan and report that based on a set of criteria. The challenge comes in that I want a scalable solution and I would like to…
Forumula help to extra characters from a cell
Morning I am hoping someone has an idea how I can achieve the following I have a barcode which is formatted like this when scanned into Smartsheet (01)00843997014755(11)240401(21)700040293 What I need for example is when the barcode is scanned into lets say cell A, then automatically cell B,C and D will extra data from…
Formula help wanted
I'm trying to return a count of the number of cells that a) have a specific issue type and b) have an issue date within the last 7 days (I also want to duplicate the formula for 14, 30 and 90 days). I'm fairly new to smartsheets and formulas and I can't figure this out. I've managed the total count (i.e. the total count of…
Converting a date/time text format to a simple date format
Hey everyone - I am trying to convert a text field that reads 2024-09-25 15:35:27 to a simple date format, either 2024-09-25 or 9/25/24. I've tried using a helper column to just pull out the text date string - =LEFT([Registration date]@row, FIND(" ", [Registration date]@row) - 1) in the hopes that would be convertible to a…
Formula or Automation Help
Im looking for the best way to set up this formula/automation (whichever is best): I have multiple columns collecting different contact names by title from a form: I need a formula or automation, that when "Admin Reviewer" = yes, then it takes the contact in "Project Admin" and adds it to another column titled "PT Proof…
Weekending Thought: Filter or Formula?
Anyone else ever have this thought when designing/building a solution? I tend to draft out different scenarios on a piece of paper and test them in Smartsheet to document the outcomes. What is a good practice you apply when designing/building your Smartsheet solution for yourself or clients?
Sort by month and year
I'm trying to summarize a sheet that has data from Sept '23 - Sept '24. I'm using this formula =COUNTIFS([Study Type]:[Study Type], "SOW", [Date Received]:[Date Received], IFERROR(MONTH(@cell ), 0) = 9) to sort by project type and month, but it's combining everything from September '23 and September '24. What can I do to…