How do I pull the second name from a multiple-contact column?
In Smartsheet I have a contact column (Project Support) that can have up to three contacts (first name + last name), for example Jane Doe. I then have three other columns that pull the first contact, the second contact and the third contact. The first contact column is Project Support 1 and the formula is =LEFT([Project…
My criteria are the following: If the Expiration Date Column cell is more then (60) days remaining = “Valid” If the Expiration Date Column cell is less then (60) days = “Going to Expiry” IF the Expiration Date Column cell is Less then (30) days = “Expired Soon” IF the Expiration Date Column cell is between (0) days to…
My criteria are the following: If the Expiration Date Column cell is more then (60) days remaining = “Valid” If the Expiration Date Column cell is less then (60) days = “Going to Expiry” IF the Expiration Date Column cell is Less then (30) days = “Expired Soon” IF the Expiration Date Column cell is between (0) days to…
Return latest value from another column's latest rows
Hello, I have a sheet in Excel I'd like to move to smartsheet to work with a client's team. The only problem I have is with the fields "Previous Cumulative Partner Discount" and "New Cumulative Partner Discount" as they have formulas that involve each other column in theirs and in Smartsheet it returns the circular…
Copy / Move Row from one sheet to another with formula
It would be incredibly valuable to be able to copy a row from one sheet to another with formula remaining in tact. At present formula seem to copy and paste as plugged values.
How do I structure formulas so that I receive a specific count back regarding Task Status?
The Smartsheet above is referenced by multiple members of my organization, but I'd like to simplify some of the information for the members who only want to know specific metrics. I've obscured information that could be considered confidential. I'd like to write formulas that report back the following information: 1. The…
Help with IF formula - 3 options to return
Hello Smartsheet Community, I'm struggling with something that I guess should be a very simple formula. I need to assign one of 3 values to the row based on the following rules: If Cutoff Date > Event Date, return "Pre-" If Cutoff Date < Event Date AND Weeks Post Cutoff Date </=8, return "Post1" If Cutoff Date < Event Date…
Merge Cells???/ How to do this
I saw this article - https://www.projectwidgets.com/how-to-merge-cells-in-smartsheet/ however, I am not sure where these functions are at. Any help on how to merge data from multiple cells like they are referencing? do I need any add-ons. thanks in advance!
In Smartsheet why will the overall % not populate when the column is highlighted?
In Smartsheet for my percentage column it is only showing me a count when highlighted not the % avg. When I am trying to pull this data to other reports the formulas come back # Divide By Zero but the data is there. Please see screenshots below first image is the original data that does not show the overall avg when…
Parent Marked Qualified and changes status of all Children relation
If Status on the parent is marked qualified it will fill all the tasks below for this section only qualified. Which will stop all the alerts. How do I make it so it only affects this drop down and now all the ones on the sheet. And have this same situation going for all the dropdown