Multiple 5 working days calendar
I'm trying to calculate end date based on multiple calendar working days. our manufacturing unit work for 365 days but employees in manufacturing works for 5 days in a week (they follow this working days: Monday-Friday, Tuesday-Saturday, Wednesday-Sunday, Thursday-Monday, Friday to Tuesday, Saturday to Wednesday, Sunday to…
Calendar/Form Integration and Automatic Emails
Hello! I work at a university. My team and I help coordinator several Dean's schedules and student meetings. The current process is extremely manual. Ex: Staff member is informed a meeting needs to be scheduled, staff member looks for openings, schedules meeting, sends confirmation email to the student and partner site…
Quick help on a formula
I know I'm missing something small and I cannot get this formula to work. Basically you throw a date into the "desired start date" and it will populate a small timeline of required milestone dates based on another sheet that's referenced. Works fine in our master sheet (right side in picture). However when I started…
Dynamic Date cell --> to feed into NetWorkDays formula
Hi all, I'm very new to SS and maybe am going about this backwards....GOAL: I'm trying to create a running countdown between the current day and the due date of a project. I figured out to use this formula: =NETWORKDAYS([Start Date]31, [End Date]28) BUT I want this number to dynamically "count down" as we approach the end…
How do I generate the same information that is entered in the parent, into the children?
I am trying to create a report that displays the parent and the children rows, but the criteria is only based off the parent. For example, each parent and children have statuses. But the parent row is the deciding status, the status that matters. I want to show all projects that have a certain PM assigned, AND if the…
Formula @Row Question
I am trying to edit a formula for our naming convention column in SS. The below is our current formula. At the end it pulls in the year according to today's date. Instead we want to remove that and have it pull in a date (just the year) from our "Final Due Date" column. How would I edit the formula to pull that in? We…
Minimum Date in a range of dates that is >= Today?
I need a formula that returns the minimum date from a range of dates that is greater than or equal to today's date. I use the MIN function to return the minimum date in the range but, I need the minimum date that is greater than or equal to today's date. Today's date needs to be automatically generated so I have been using…
Flash-fill a column similar to Ctrl+E function in excel
I am looking for a solution similar to the Ctrl+E flash-fill feature in Excel, or a formula to extract just what I need into another column for export. For example, I need a column that has information set up like "101 - Class Listing" to have a column lined up next to it that has the "101" extracted (all in the same row).
COUNTIFS using different sheet for range and month for criteria
I am attempting to get this formula in my tracker sheet to work to count all the instances in the reference sheet where a certain month in the date column occurs and the answer to a question in another column is no. This is the formula I have come up with and I know it's wrong but all of the fixes I have attempted have not…
automation for adding date?
So I'm fully aware of the automation to add a date when a cell is changed, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. Hoping someone might point out where I went wrong. I have a grid of teams and members where I keep track of which members are complete, I'm trying to track when a 70% or more of the team is "done". I've made…