Minimum Date in a range of dates that is >= Today?

edited 12/15/22 in Formulas and Functions

I need a formula that returns the minimum date from a range of dates that is greater than or equal to today's date.

I use the MIN function to return the minimum date in the range but, I need the minimum date that is greater than or equal to today's date. Today's date needs to be automatically generated so I have been using Today () in the formula.

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • ZCP
    Answer ✓

    I got this to work. Thank you for your help Dale! I really appreciate it.


    =MIN((COLLECT([Eff. Date]2:[Cond. Prec. Close]2, [Eff. Date]2:[Cond. Prec. Close]2, >=TODAY())))


  • Dale Murphy
    Dale Murphy Community Champion

    @ZCP Try putting a collect function inside the min function:

    =MIN((COLLECT([Date 1]:[Date 1], [Date 1]:[Date 1], >TODAY())))

    That should let you find the minimum of dates that ONLY meet the collect criterion of being greater than today.


  • Thank you for your answer. I really just want the one next minimum date. Kind of like the next due date from the range of dates. These dates are populated from different project due dates onto a master sheet that i can look at to see what is coming up next. So, some projects will have 4 or 5 dates in the future. I'm just interested in the next or closest date that is coming due. Then, i can sort the sheet by this column and prioritize which projects have something coming due the quickest.

    I just have one range of dates, which covers 7 or 8 columns. Below is the range of dates I have. Do I need to put each column in separately instead of trying to use a range? This formula gave me an Incorrect error.

    MIN((COLLECT([Eff. Date]2:[Cond. Prec. Close]2, >TODAY())))

  • ZCP
    Answer ✓

    I got this to work. Thank you for your help Dale! I really appreciate it.


    =MIN((COLLECT([Eff. Date]2:[Cond. Prec. Close]2, [Eff. Date]2:[Cond. Prec. Close]2, >=TODAY())))

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