IF function + TODAY + Harvey Balls.
Hello I had this formula =IF(AND([PM % Complete]@row = 1), "Green", IF(AND([PM % Complete]@row < 0.75, Finish@row = TODAY(+5)), "Yellow", IF(AND([PM % Complete]@row < 1, Finish@row = TODAY(+2)), "Red", "Green"))) Which was working all right, but now it's not working correctly, specially when the FINISH date has past the…
How to count tasks across all sheets in a workspace
I have a master metrics sheet that I am using. I'd like to be able to count tasks by assigned to across all sheets in a workspace. The goal is to have this formula work if/when any new sheet is added to the workspace. Reports are not really working for me because my assigned to column is a multi-select column. I don't see…
How to track time in status?
I have a status column used for the tasks on projects. I'd like to track how long a task (row) stays in a particular status (e.g. in progress). I'm not quite sure how I would get this data.
Formula to reference sheet only if blank and certain conditions met.
How can I reference another sheet for names? I have a grid for current positions, some are filled, and some are not. For those that are not filled, column "Employee name" is blank and for those that are filled, column "Employee Name" is not blank. I have another grid with vacant positions only and it notes candidates'…
Reference a sheet and count the number of a specific health icon based on status.
Hello, I am referencing a project schedule in a sheet where I am counting the total number of rows that have a specific health icon color. Green, Yellow, and Red were all straightforward to get totals for. My formula for those is: =COUNTIF({Project Schedule - Health Column}, [Health Icon]4) for each different health icon.…
Average If with three conditions
Hi there, I have the average if function working correctly with condition but my formula falls apart when I add the other conditions. This works: =AVERAGEIF({Other Sheet Range 1}, Property@row, {Other Sheet Range 2}) Range 1 is just the property column and range 2 is just the data to average. This doesn't work:…
Consecutive Issue Formula
Hello, I am trying to figure out if there is a formula that will count the number of entries that have occurred since a different entry was input. In this scenario, Yes and No are the only inputs. The Yes and No correlate to whether an item is working properly or not. So the formula I need would populate with the number of…
Pivot App Max Rows & Columns
Hello, I am trying to configure a pivot table and am getting a message stating there is a maximum number of rows of 4 and columns of 1. I called support and they don't seem to know why I'm seeing what I'm seeing. Has anyone else seen this? Thank you, Khari
Notify an assignee that the predecessor has complete his task.
I want to use smartsheet as an international project management tool. One thing is driving me creasy. I want to send out a notification to an assignee if the predecessor task is completed. Please find attached a screenshot of my scenario. The task in row 27 needs row 25 & 26 to be done ( active checkbox in column "done").…
Countif & Contains
From what I can tell this formula should work, but it's returning a 1 when it should be returning a 2 =countif([Bakery - Emp Health, hygiene, supervision, knowled]@row,contains("C -",@cell) Help?