Formula to trigger red flag based on conditional formatting rules?
Is there a formula that will mark a flag red based on conditional formatting of other columns in a row? For example, I've set up multiple conditional formatting rules within a tracker sheet. I'd like to have a checkbox column with a flag that would turn red if some of those conditions were met using conditional formatting…
Invalid Operation when using Today() in nested IF STATEMENT
Here is the formula I am working with: =IF(ISBLANK([Start Date]@row), " ", IF(ISBLANK([Actual Start Date]@row), "Not Started", IF(ISBLANK([Actual End Date]@row), "In Progress", IF([Actual End Date]@row > TODAY(), "In Progress", "Complete")))) When I have dates entered for Start Date, Actual Start Date, and End Date the…
How can you use the check-list function to build a master smartsheet?
Hi all, I was wondering if someone could help me out/let me know if this function is possible. I am trying to create a comprehensive template of all activities in a project, with the idea that members could check a box to include that activity in their specific project. Is there a way to automate it such that when you…
Checkmark from another value
Hi, What is the formula to have my checkmark checked with my status is changed to a certain value? i.e. when the completed status is selected, I want the checkmark to be checked. thank you.
VLOOKUP? INDEX MATCH? invoice amounts from sheet 1 into sheet 2 based on a matching #
Help please! I'm looking for the invoice amounts from one sheet transfer into another sheet based on a matching CAR#. For example: if CAR# FP2020-1 is listed in spreadsheet (B) then I want the invoice amount associated to populate into the $spent column in (A). I'm running into confusion because I can't figure out how to…
VLOOKUP on column with letters and numbers results in #NOMATCH
I have a simple VLOOKUP to pull back the related column from a 2 column table. It consists of either letters only (WORD) or numbers only (123) for each entry but entries span both types. When the function is in place I receive a #NOMATCH error for all the letters only entries. I've tried adding a helper column that refers…
How to calculate the number of teammates who will have a birthday in the last 7 days?
We are using TODAY() formula to define our teammates' birthday as below snapshot, but how can we use the formula to calculate the count of who will have birthday in the coming 7 days in summary? Thank you!
Unflag after marked completed
Hi, I am new to formulas. What can I use for the following: I currently have this formula to flag an over due task: =IF(AND([% Complete]@row < 1, [End Date]@row < TODAY()), 1) The formula on top works fine, but when the user clicks on the completed checkbox the red flag still appears. I want the red flag to disappear when…
COUNTIF with keywords
Hello, I am trying to set up a formula to count a cell if it contains a certain keyword (e.g. "communication"). The cell itself won't be only composed of that word, but will just contain it. My formula so far is =COUNTIF([Job Classification]:[Job Classification], CONTAINS("communication", [Job Classification]:[Job…
How to Use SUMIF Function for Sheet Summary
Hello! I am trying to use smartsheet to support budget tracking. I'd like to summarize the amount spent and section by our spend category. So if my Cost Center Category is equal to "Paid Media" I would like a sum of all rows meeting this criteria. So my range headings are Cost Center Category and Amount, my Criterion is…