Date Modified
I have a sheet with a list of assets. There is a pull down menu that defines the status - I need to know when the menu is set to "complete". I can do that easily with a filter - but I want to cull the entries before a specific date. I have a Report that uses the 'is greater than-date modified' but I get results from all…
Nested formula to present the most recent KPI value from a row
I am trying to pull the most recent month's value to the 'Current Month Data' cell to use for Dashboard Widgets that will only present the Goal and Current Month Data. There are 30+ KPI values that need to have the latest month's value, and I'm stumped on how to build the nested formula to make it work. The same formula…
IF/AND for date range and TODAY help
I'm looking to return phase names based on if today's date falls within specific time ranges on another smartsheet. For example: I have start and end columns/dates on one sheet for "Phase 1," "Phase 2," and "Phase 3" for different projects. On another sheet, I'd like to return "Phase 1," "Phase 2," or "Phase 3" if TODAY…
Summing a Multi-Select
I'm trying to figure out an easy/dynamic way to sum a column. Right now, I have Column A in Sheet 1 that is a multi-select. I want to lookup the result of that multi-select in Sheet 2, and total the values from Column B. So I know how to do it manually (i.e. - by spelling out all the values using FIND () or HAS ()) as part…
average progress depends on criteria and vlookup
Hello all, we are trying the following: In a new sheet we want to reproduce some information from the source file using the VLOOKUP function. So far so good. Now the question is, if there is a formula, which from the Children lines outputs the average progress, where the lead is called "Kunde". There can be several lines…
How to select value from last column in a range
Hi! Would love to get feedback on how to create a "Current Status" formula that looks by row across columns to pull the latest value. What I want is a formula that updates automatically as I populate columns with weekly Account Status. Below is a screenshot that shows the columns I am working with. The leftmost column is…
Automation of Status Drop Down at the Parent Level
Hi, I want to automate the status column of the parent row based on the child rows. For example, if all of the child rows are left blank or marked "Not Started," I want the parent row to read, "Not Started" Or if a majority of the child rows are marked "In Progress" and some are marked "Complete" I'd like the parent row to…
Formula for Health based on Week
Hi everyone - I have a Project Plan with an associated Master Tracker & Metrics Sheet. I am wanting to pull in the Health (RYG symbol column) based on the week. An example of my Project Plan is below: You'll notice I have a "Week (Helper Column)" which helps me with calculating which week a project is at any given time.…
How to Auto Delete Duplicate Entries based on a User ID and Date?
Hello there, I am new to Smartsheet and trying to figure out how to build a formula to delete duplicate entries based on the "E number" and the "Content for the Week of". This sheet will be tracking form submissions and I want to delete any duplicate submissions by an individual for a given week. The screenshot attached…
Percentage Increase/Decrease
Hi there, I've looked at some other answers in the community but none seem to work for me. I'm trying to determine the % increase or decrease of values Year Over Year. Here's an example: THIS YEAR, we have a sheet that shows $125,000 in revenue. This time last year on a separate sheet, we showed $225,000. How do I create a…