INDEX MATCH range across a row?
Wise People in my Computer, Can I set the range for an INDEX MATCH formula across multiple columns in one row, instead of a column? My testing is suggesting the answer is no...am I missing something, else what might I use instead? I am trying to return the name of a Reviewer into my Lead Reviewer column, pulling from the…
How do I count values (not text)?
I would like to count values in a specific column that are numbers and not text. What excel does with COUNT. So if my column includes 111,222 x, y, z the output should be 2. If my column includes 1234, 345, 12, 1, a, the output should be 4. Can someone help?
NEW! AI formulas, text and summaries tools available for Enterprise users
Hi Community, We have stellar news to share with you: AI tools for the Smartsheet platform have dropped! The AI tools panel is now generally available to Enterprise licensed users. It houses powerful new generative AI tools that integrate directly with your sheet data to unlock new insights and save time: Stop wrangling…
Trouble referencing values in a "CONCATENATE" cell
Hello, I am having issues trying to reference the values in a CONCATENATE formula. I am trying to pull a "Yes" or "No" value based on the product numbers provided in the CONCATENATE cell. The CONCATENATE cell is the combination of product numbers added just for TODAY only (old lines do not show a value unless it is today).…
Run formula on creation only
Hello, I am trying to have a formula in my primary column to have a date-number of tickets created on this day. so I would have 11/02/21-1 in row 1, 11/02/21-2 in row 2 and so on. However, when A cell is added above it it the formula updates so 11/02/21-1 becomes 11/02/21-2. IS there a way to lock the formula to only run…
Can Character limits be added to text fields, specifically for a form?
I saw the post from 6/18/21 here: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/80492/can-character-limits-be-added-to-text-fields However, the formula =IF(Text@row >= 50, "Limit Reached. Please use less characters") is creating an #UNPARSEABLE error.
RGY Health Formula for Status and Due Date
I'm struggling to complete a formula to do the following: If Status is Complete, mark the health green. If Status is Not Started or In Progress and End Date is 10 days or greater, mark health green If Status is In Progress OR Not Started and End Date is within 5 days, mark the health yellow If Status is Not Started OR In…
Help to select a value based on row number
Hi all - I am trying to determine if a task is ready to start based on all of the predecessors being 100% complete. I have numerous tasks with more than 1 predecessor and I've parsed out all the predecessors into individual columns (pred_1, pred_2, etc) like this I'd like for the ready to start column to indicate yes, if…
Formula to change symbols
Can someone please help me with a formula? I want to automate the yellow ball two days before the due date and the red ball the day after the due date when the "Done" column is not checked. Thank you for your help!
Health Formula
This is my current formula. I have added a drop down option in my status column "NA". I have also changed my health column to include a gray light option. Can someone help me add this to my current formula. IF (Status@row = "NA", "Gray". =IFERROR(IF(Status@row = "Complete", "Green", IF(AND(Status@row = "Not Started", [Task…